Discountinued since: GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 11

The first step is to register yourself as an iOS developer (

Then you need to perform the following steps:

  • Access to the iOS Developer Program | Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section

    From the iOS Dev Center you can access at the right (under iOS Developer Program) and then the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles option.
  • Create a Development Certificate

This certificate will be used to sign the apps you will be testing. This certificate needs to be installed on the Mac where you will later compile the app.

  • Assign Apple Devices

You can test your apps on up to 100 devices (500 if you have an Enterprise account). You need to register the UDID of these devices.

  • Create App IDs

You have to create an App ID for each app you will be testing. An App ID is the combination of a unique ten-character string called the "Bundle Seed ID" and a traditional CF Bundle ID (or Bundle Identifier). This Bundle Identifier must be the same that the value of GeneXus property 'iOS Bundle Identifier', locate under Main object properties -> iOS, on the properties of the SD main object. The default value is com.artech.<Object>:

ios bundle identifier

  • Create a Provisioning Profile

This Provisioning Profile ties the information of the Development Certificate, the App ID and the devices, and it will also be needed in the Mac where the app will be compiled, and in the device where the app will run.

All these steps are documented in the Apple iOS Provisioning Portal page (, check the How-to's sections, that have detailed instructions and also videos.

After that, you are able to compile your app in the Mac. To do that, configure the following Smart Devices generator properties:

In the iOS Specific node:

  • Execution Type property = Build IPA (Local)
  • Mac Host = The name or IP of the Mac machine
  • Mac User = The Mac user for which you have installed the development certificate and provisioning profile
  • Mac Password = Password of he Mac user

iOS SD Generator Properties for Prototype Compiled App

Then, when you press F5 in GeneXus, it will generate the Xcode project for the app, transfer it to the Mac, compile it remotely, and it will generate and .ipa package file, that it will transfer back to your development machine, and the path will be displayed in the Output window.

Important Note

The first time you Run the application you will receive an error because the compilation requires an authorization that requires User interaction ('User interaction is not allowed').
You must copy the last command that appears in the output with the error and run it under a Terminal in your Mac using the same User that you configure to compile in GeneXus.
The execution of that command will popup a Confirm window and you must select Always allow to don't have this error again.

Another way to avoid this error is to open Keychain, right button over the Private Key you are using to sign, 'Get Info' option:


and then go to 'Access Control', and select 'Allow all applications to access this item':


You can install that .ipa in a device, using iTunes or iPhone Configuration Utility

See Also

HowTo: Prototye an iOS Application on a Mac


Start Video Prototyping and Executing
Start Video Deploying