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Summarized by. The name comes because it 'summarizes' the information of a given set of data.


Given GX Transaction, it allows summarize it by showing a set of indicators analized by a set of dimensions. The set of indicators and dimension are obtained from the TRN structure. The idea is to have a form where user can select the possible dimensions and indicators.

Canonical Example

Given an Invoice, have a Form that let the user see an aggregated view of Invoices.

This form must allow to select the set of Dimensions (Country, Customer, Product, InvoiceDate), and it's Indicators (Sum(InvoiceLineQuantity), Sum(InvoiceLineValue, Sum(InvoiceTotal), Count(*), etc.).


Ejemplo canonico:

Another Sample:


Another sample: 

This pattern was implemented in a Collaborative Project, more information Summarized By Collaborative Project (sp)

Download the pattern, here

A Comparisson GXQuery, GxPlorer, SummarizedBy Pattern