GeneXus X Evolution 3 adds the possibity to generate Offline Native Mobile applications in addition to Online Apps (that can already be developed with GeneXus X Evolution 2)

So one of the most requested features from our Corporate clients is arriving: Offline Native Mobile applications. This new feature solves common situations for apps in Points of Sales, Events apps or any scenarios of limited or no Internet connectivity. This feature allows applications to execute database transactions even if the device has not connectivity.

GeneXus X Evolution 3 introduces new generators to resolve these scenarios. As from GeneXus X Evolution 3 an application can run online, offline or in mixed way.

Generating an offline application involves creating a local database in the device and generating the corresponding programs in native code for each platform (Java for Android, Objective-C for iOS, etc) as stated in Offline Native Mobile Applications Generation.

Overview Video


Getting started

Start by creating your first offline application now!

If you want to learning more about the background of the Smart Devices offline applications by checking out the Offline Native Mobile applications document. If you are interested on learning, as a developer, how GeneXus generates the Smart Devices offline applications, follow the Offline Native Mobile Applications Generation document.

Success Stories and Showcases

Metro DF Offline App in action