This property indicates the way the data synchronization from the server to the device is handled.


By row This is the default value.

It indicates that the synchronization is made record by record sending the necessary Insert, Update or Delete operations from server to the device.

To do this it is necessary to create some auxiliary tables in the server and to compute the MD5 hash of the existing records in order to be able to find out new, updated and deleted records. This requires more processing in the server, but may significantly decrease the data traffic.
By table  Indicates that the synchronization is made by table, this means that before synchronizing all table records are deleted on the devices, and then all the new values are saved.

If a table has not changed since the last synchronization, then nothing happens.

This significantly decreases the processing in the server (because there is no need to compute and compare the rows' MD5 hash), but the data transfer may increase severely.


This property is available as of GeneXus X Evolution 3


Objects Offline Database object
Platforms Android, Apple iOS
Generators .NET, Ruby, Java

See also