Allows replacing the occurrences of a string by the ones of another string.


StrReplace(str1, str2, str3)

Type Returned:

Is the string on which the replaces will be made, the strong string. This variable may be Character, VarChar or LongVarChar type.

Is the string to be searched for and replaced. This variable may be Character or VarChar type.

Is the string replacing the searched one. This variable may be Character or VarChar type.

The StrReplace function returns a string resulting from replacing all the occurrences of string &Str2, found in &Str1, by the string &Str3.


  • The replacement is simultaneously made. I.e.: when a replacing text is inserted, the inserted text does not take part in the following pattern searches.
  • This function differentiates between capital letters and small letters; “a” is different from “A”.


&Source = “Test#of#the#StrReplace#function”
&Ret = StrReplace(&Source, “#”, “ “)
// Result: &Ret = “Test of the StrReplace function”

In this case, the &Ret variable would have the following text (it would be the result of replacing all the occurrences of the  ‘#’ character in  &Source by blank spaces).


Objects Procedure object, Transaction object, Web Panel object
Languages  .NET, Java, Ruby, Visual FoxPro


See also

Replace method
StrSearch function