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The purpose of this article is to explain the necessary steps to insert an image inside an FCK Editor control.

There are two ways to upload an insert images inside an FCK Editor Control:

1.  By using the control’s File Manager, which allows you to upload and insert images, browse previously uploaded files, etc. This solution implies that a script needs to be configured to call a PHP program to handle the file upload. For further information check here. This SAC details how to integrate it with GeneXus.

2. By adding a button to the FCK Editor and using a GeneXus object to upload and insert the image. This is an easy way to upload images by just using GeneXus objects:



1. Add an Insert image button in the FCKeditor toolbar.

2. Create the “uploader” object, which allows you to select an image from your local disc and automatically sends it to the server.

3. Insert the new file reference on the FCKeditor body.

Step 1 - Insert a button on the FCKEditor Toolbar

To insert a button in the FCKEditor toolbar, add this code in the object’s Start Event:

Event Start
    &FCKEditorMenuItem.Id = "upload"
    &FCKEditorMenuItem.Description = "Upload"
    &FCKEditorMenuItem.Icon = ActionUpdate.Link()
    &FCKEditorMenuItem.ObjectInterface = FckEditorObjectInterface.Dialog
    &FCKEditorMenuItem.Link = FileUploader.Link("")  // Object URL that will be opened as a popup inside the dialog.

Where &HTML is the control of type FCK html editor. It can be a Attribute or variable.

Check the property &FCKEditorMenuItem.Link; this is needed to be configured with the GeneXus Object that will upload the image.

Step 2 - Uploader Object

Create a Web Panel called “FileUploader” (the name that you set in &FCKEditorMenuItem.Link). Then insert on it the Uploadify User Control.

This control is just a button that will automatically upload the file (image) on the server once it has been clicked.

Step 3 - Insert the imagen inside the dialog

In order to insert the uploaded imagen on the FCKEditor body, add this event in the “FileUploader” object:

Event Uploadify1.OnComplete
    &url = pathtourl(&blob)
    &ImgHtml = Format(!'<img src=%1>', &url)

And this rule:

parm(out: &ImgHtml);

The event gets the uploaded file from the server (Uploadify1.UploadedTemporalFileName) and returns its URL.

The object first output parameter will be automatically inserted in the FCKEditor Body.

That’s all.  You can get this example (xpz) from here.

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