Unofficial Content
  • This documentation is valid for:


  • ExtJS Library 4.2.1 or higher
  • GeneXus X Evolution 1 or higher


  1. Download ExtJS 4.2.1 (right click "Save Link As")
  2. Create a folder named Shared under %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\ (If doesn't exist).
  3. Extract ExtJS 4.2.1 in %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\Shared\. Please notice that the name of the folder inside the zip file is something like extjs- After extracting the files, rename it to ext. To ensure that you correctly extracted the files, check that you have the following folder contents:
    • %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\Shared\ext\ext-all.js
    • %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\Shared\ext\resources
    • and some other files and folders...
  4. Install it directly from the Start Page or download gxui Library from here and extract it to %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\. To ensure that you correctly extracted the files, check that you have the following folder contents.
    and some other files and folders...
  5. Execute %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\genexus.exe /install
  6. In GeneXus X Ev1, change the propertie "HTML Document Type" to "HTML 4.01 Transitional":
    Note: This can cause several others UserControls to stop work.

    Model Properties

    Propertie to change
  7. Run a Rebuild All on your Knowleadge Base.
  8. Execute %GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\genexus.exe as usual.

How to validate the installation:

  1. Execute your application by pressing F5 key.
  2. On Internet Explorer, right-click on the page and click on "View source".
  3. Look the first line on window. It need look like this:


    If don't, repeat all steps from step 6 again.
  4. On Windows Explorer, open the folder: "<Model Directory>\web\shared\ext", like this:

  5. Open the "ext-all.js" file on Text Editor and find the version. It need look like this:

  6. If the directory/file doesn't exist or don't look like, copy all directory from "%GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\Shared\" to "<Model Directory>\web\shared\".
  7. Made the same on  "<Model Directory>\web\gxui\gxui-all.js". Need to look like:

  8. If the directory/file doesn't exist or don't look like, copy all directory from "%GX_PROGRAM_DIR%\UserControls\gxui\" to "<Model Directory>\web\gxui\".
  9. Enjoy


There are some minor known issues you should check before starting to use the controls.

Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant