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This is the GeneXus 15 version of EventDay.

The KB has both, Web objects and SD objects. This article explains the SD functionalities. For the Web sample, see Event Day for WEB.

This is a sample App for events, where the community can schedule and view information about the conferences, speakers, rooms and general information related to the event.

  • Schedule your favorites conferences.
  • See all the information about the speakers, rooms, sessions.
  • Check out what people are saying about the conference on twitter.

GeneXus features

Feature KB Version Objects Comments
Theme for Smart Devices object All Themes for SD objects generated by patterns and SDPanels. Detailed use of Themes for Smart Devices that improves the User Experience of the application.
Twitter API for Smart Devices All SDPanel EventTweets Post and read Tweets using the Twitter API for Smart Devices
Multiple Layouts per Row Trunk WW WorkWithDevicesSession at List node Change dynamically the layout of a row in order to make Keynote sessions more attractive to users.
Default Selected Item Layout property Trunk WW WorkWithDevicesSpeakers at List node Change dynamically the layout of a row by tapping over it in order to take access to more information of the speaker.
Transformations Trunk WW WorkWithDevicesSession at Section(General) node.
Themes for SD EventGXiOS and EventGXAndroid at ButtonFavorite... and Transformations levels
Change dynamically the class of the Favorite Session button in order to show an animation effect (Scale) over it when the session is set as favorite.
Interop.CanOpen method Trunk SDPanel EventTweets Open Tweet details in the Twitter app if it is installed.


Note: The following link may help you if you don't know the steps to test a feature or built the application to see it in action: HowTo: Take advantage of a KB referenced in this wiki


The Trunk version has been developed and designed for GeneXus 15 for iOS and Android, with Backoffice for Web.

EventDay in action!

This app is the result of generating the KB, as is.

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