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Below are some alternatives for generating unique primary keys values. 1) Set the Autonumber attribute property (for numeric single keys) = True. For more information read here. 2) Define the "numerator procedure" method (for numeric sin
Last Update: 4 days ago by wsantosf | 41 changes
In order to configure the database access parameters in production, the Gxconfig tool is provided for each datastore. It allows specifying a database Name, server, user password included in the web.config file (web environment) or Client.exe.config
Last Update: 5 days ago by igna13 | 14 changes
GxEncryptCMD is a command-line tool that allows you to encrypt and decrypt strings using the same algorithms as GeneXus. It's called GxEncryptCMD.exe and is located at the root folder of the GeneXus installation. You can use it to change some of th
Last Update: 8 days ago by igna13 | 16 changes
Below you can find some frequently asked questions (FAQ) and Troubleshooting about DesignOps. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 1. How can you report an incident? You can open a thread in our Technical Forum and our team will be pleased to help you
Last Update: 9 days ago by dsalvia | 95 changes
Exposed Name of the method. See Also External Objects with Type property 'Native Object'
Last Update: 18 days ago by vdeambrosi | 6 changes
Some properties in a Knowledge Base are not exported when the environment is exported to a xpz, and they are not sent to genexus server when a Knowledge Base is uploaded. The KB generator properties that are not exported are: Servl
Last Update: 19 days ago by alexmelo | 10 changes
Azure functions are based on a serverless execution model (it is the equivalent of Amazon Lambda) and extend the concept of a PaaS (which abstracts from the infrastructure details and facilitates auto-scaling). In addition, serverless has a pay-per-e
Last Update: 20 days ago by sjuarez | 87 changes
They are timed functions. One possible scenario is using them to update the merchandise inventory or the redundancies of a DB. The Trigger type property at the deployment unit should be "Timer" for this kind of functions. Deploy step
Last Update: 20 days ago by sjuarez | 21 changes
Service Bus trigger functions and Queue Storage trigger functions are other types of Azure Functions. Queue Storage The Queue storage trigger runs functions as messages are added to Azure Queue storage. The Trigger type property at the de
Last Update: 20 days ago by sjuarez | 30 changes
When a new or updated blob is detected, the Azure function is triggered. As stated in the Azure documentation, several methods exist to execute a function code based on changes to blobs in a storage container. The Azure Blob storage trigger for Azur
Last Update: 20 days ago by sjuarez | 41 changes
This Knowledge Base showcases Unanimo: Some highlights of its power and how it is applied to controls and objects in the KB to get the expected UX. You can create a new Knowledge Base based on this KB and explore the implementation of each sa
Last Update: 23 days ago by danmar | 15 changes
The Build > Deploy Application menu option allows you to deploy a web application as an Azure WebApp (formerly known as an Azure WebSite). The following document explains the process of creating an Azure WebApp from the Azure portal and
Last Update: 24 days ago by sjuarez | 42 changes
This article aims to be a guide for those developers who start their application development by importing a design file. Also, it provides tips and good practices. In the early stages of a Design Integration cycle, it is recommended that you (as dev
Last Update: 25 days ago by dsalvia | 30 changes
This page groups all the GeneXus Next features in Beta.
Last Update: 25 days ago by lsilveira | 3 changes
To get insight to upcoming features see GeneXus Beta Channel. There you can get to know the features introduced in GeneXus Beta. Those, require feedback from the beta testers who collaborate to improve the functionalities to make
Last Update: 25 days ago by lsilveira | 9 changes
The purpose of this article is to explain the necessary steps to create an Azure function app.  The supported versions are NET 8 and Java 8, 11, and 17. Highlighted note In case of Java do not compile the GeneXus application using a Java vers
Last Update: 26 days ago by sjuarez | 27 changes
Azure Monitor is the native monitoring solution for Microsoft Azure aimed at helping users maximize the availability and performance of the applications. Azure Monitor provides users with full observability into their cloud and on-premise e
Last Update: 27 days ago by sjuarez | 35 changes
When a new or updated blob is detected, the Azure function is triggered. As stated in the Azure documentation, several methods exist to execute a function code based on changes to blobs in a storage container. The Azure Blob storage trigger for Azur
Last Update: 29 days ago by sjuarez | 2 changes
An Azure Function can be used as an event handler for Event Grid events. This document explains how to deploy Azure functions triggered by Event Grid events in GeneXus. Summary Deployment steps First, read HowTo: Create a GeneXus Pro
Last Update: 29 days ago by sjuarez | 12 changes
There are several formats available for storing vector geographic data (Points, Lines, or Polygons).  GeneXus can handle the following formats:  WKT (Well Known Text) GeoJSON KML (Keyhole Markup Language) Binary Other formats are n
Last Update: 29 days ago by mshuster | 9 changes
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