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When working with Smart Devices and REST services, if URL Rewrite or REST serivces are not well installed on your system, the application may fail.

The best thing to start with is a simple REST procedure that returns a simple line of text. This procedure can be invoked in order to test if URL Rewrite and/or REST services are up and running on your system.

Steps to test REST services

  1. Import the following xpz: Utility to test whether URL Rewrite or REST services are successfully installed on your system.
  2. Build All
  3. Then, right click "RESTTesterTool", "Run".

The browser will show an error message or success message.

  • If error message, please verify installation steps regarding URL Rewrite or REST services.

How to install URL Rewrite

  • If Success message is displayed, then URL Rewrite and REST services are succesfully installed on your system. 


Last update: February 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant