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  • This documentation is valid for:

A version represents an state of your product, which contents the main files (binaries or codes), extras files (like xpz examples, or whatever.

Building your version

Every version has the following components

Version name

You should name your version properly: 'major.minor[.build[.revision]]'.

For instance: 2.3.12345

Release notes

Main differences between this new version and the last uploaded one. If you are building your first products version, you can skip this.


The items are files which represent the state of your product.

Every version has a main item, which has to have the extension ".zip" in order to be valid. In order to define a file as a main item just select the option “Is a XXXX” where XXXX is the name of your product type ( User Control, Extension, etc )

MarketplaceUploadProduct - versions buildingVersion



Once you have finish building your new version, you can choose one of the following actions:

MarketplaceUploadProduct - versions finishingButtons


  1. Back: Save and go back to Edit Product Part I.

  2. Save changes only: If you are not sure to publish this version yet, save it and continue editing it later. To do so go to "MyMarketplace" and in the section "MyProducts" select the option “Edit Product” of the product you want to edit. After that, press Next in order to go into section "Edit Product Part II". Almost at the bottom you will see a grid with all versions you have created, click the one you want to edit.
    MarketplaceUploadProduct - versions previousVersions

    Note: If you have created a product as other developer, you can select its profile from the “Logged in as” ComboBox in the left panel to manage it.
  3. Save and start approval processYour job is done for now, after this the GeneXus Marketplace administrators will check out your product. The administrators can whether publish the new version in the GeneXus Marketplace, or not.


One version at the time

You are able to create one version at the time. Once the version you have created is approved and published in the Marketplace, you can create a new version.

Editing approved versions

It is not possible to delete or change items of a version which has been approved. For any changes you want to make to your product you will have to create a new version.

User Controls and Extensions

When creating a new User Controls or Extensions version, some validation tests are run before saving the version. These validation tests checks that the User Control or Extension files have the right format. If any error message appear, please read the User Controls or Extensions errors reference, or contact us.

The User Control or Extension version name is set automatically when uploading the main item, because of that, the Version Name field is disabled when creating the new version in the Marketplace.

Size matters

Each version item can not be larger than 20MB.

See also

Last update: February 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant