Unofficial Content
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There are some minor known issues about gxui Library controls that you should be aware of:

  • After dropping a control in the form, rename it (change the Control Name), because the default name given by GeneXus will include a period (e.g. gxui.Layout1 or gxui.Grid2). If you don't remove the period, you will get an error message while compiling. Solved
  • Some controls' properties can have variables assigned to them. You may want to use the property or not, however, you will always have to set it to something, at least a dummy variable. If you don't, you will get an error message while compiling. Solved
  • Under certain circumstances that we could not yet identify, while compiling the sample application, the directories "shared" and "gxui" (needed to successfully run the sample) are not being created under the web application directory. In order to solve this issue, you must manually copy these directories from the GeneXus installation to the web folder of your environment.
  • KeepState property of gxui.Layout control is not implemented yet. As a result, if you move a component from one region to another, when the page is reloaded they are moved back to their original position. Solved: The KeepState property was changed for Stateful
  • An error occurs when trying to resize north or south region at run-time. Error description: Line: 15 Error: Invalid argument Code: 0
  • gxui.Grid Control:
    • Search field is re-drawn if you press F5 causing duplicated search fields.
    • If "SelectedRowData" and "Data" properties aren't assigned a variable, you will get an error message while compiling, so you will have to set them to at least a dummy variable.
  • Installing gxui Library from the start page doesn't work if a previous gxui version is already installed. To install it you have to close GeneXus and manually download the new gxui version and extract it to the UserControls folder.
  • Using gxui.gridextension as 'custom render' doesn't show column titles when starting the web page. Only with mouse pointer over column shows the title. Not in all web explorers (IE7 happens, FF works ok). Solved
  • Tooltiptext on grid column doesn't work when using custom render gxui.gridextension. Solved
  • Big problem that turns gxui.GridExtension unusable: Numbers with comma as decimal separator are being shown without comma when using custom render gxui.gridextension (eg: 150,00 is shown as 15000). Solved, gxui build >= 958
  • Button lastpage in gxui.GridExtension doesn't work

Not Implemented Features

  • gxui.GridExtension: Click to sort on columns is not implemeted yet.
  • gxui.GridExtension: Input Type Descriptions / Suggest
  • gxui.GridExtension: <Column>.Isvalid Event


Category:internet explorer y firefo?


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