A column chart displays a series as a set of vertical bars that are grouped by category. Column charts are useful for showing data changes over a period of time or for illustrating comparisions among items. Column Chart Control is an interactive chart, try clicking on a column or on the legend entries.
The user control is really simple, you just need to set one property in order to get the control working. The Data property.
- Drag and drop Google Charts Control.
- Set Column Chart to property named Type.
- Assign to the Data property a variable based on GoogleChartData data type (this SDT is automatically imported when dropping the control to a web form).
- Load the information that will be shown by the chart using a variable based on GoogleChartData.
//Sample code for GoogleCharts
Sub 'LoadGoogleChartData'
&GoogleChartSeries = new()
&GoogleChartSeries.Name = "Sales"
&GoogleChartSeries = new()
&GoogleChartSeries.Name = "Expenses"
- Add a new series and its corresponding values to GeneXusColumnData variable (the variable assigned to control's ChartData property.
&GoogleChartSeries = new()
&GoogleChartSeries.Name = "Others"
As we mentioned before, Column Chart Control is an interactive chart. That is, when clicking on series legend the corresponding columns will be highlighted. In addition, when clicking on a column, a tooltip will be displayed and also a GeneXus event wil be fired.
//GoogleChartsControl event handler
Event GoogleCharts1.Select
msg(!"Selected Category Name: " + &GoogleChartSelectedData.CategoryName)
msg(!"Selected Series Name: " + &GoogleChartSelectedData.SeriesName)
msg(!"Selected Series Value: " + str(&GoogleChartSelectedData.SeriesValue))
Note: &GoogleChartSelectedData is based on GoogleChartSelectedData SDT (this SDT is also automatically imported when dropping the control to a web form.
Column Chart Control is based on the Google Column Chart Control.