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The History application allows the user visualizing general information of a process as well as specific information of each one of his tasks.

The user can access this application from different Prototyper areas, such as Inbox, Outbox and My Processes.

The following figure shows this application interface:


Button Toolbar

  • Comments: By clicking on this button a dialog will be displayed showing the comments associated to the task.
  • Consult: This button allows to see the query application associated.
  • Conditionals: This button shows a dialog with the condition values.
  • Optionals: This button shows a dialog with a table with the name of each one of the optional tasks. Besides, the check box corresponding to the task that was selected as following task will appear selected.
  • Reassign:This button allows to asign the workitem to other user.
  • High Priority: This button allows to set high the task priority.
  • Low Priority: This button allows to set low the task priority.
  • Change Deadline: This button allows to change the task deadline.
  • Skip: This button allows to skip over a task workitem execution, so the workitem can be completed without executing it.
  • Undo: This button allows process administrator users to undo the execution of tasks workitems.
  • Documents: By clicking on this button, a dialog similar to Work with Documents will be shown where the user will be able to visualize the information of each document but he will not be able to execute actions on these documents.

History Grid

This grid has the following options:

options_202210412133_1_png It allows selecting the columns wanted to be visible.

Refresh_2022104121355_1_png It allows refreshing the grid.

It is possible to sort some columns by clicking on their title.

This grid has the following columns:

  • Comments: If a task has associated comments, the ballon icon is shown in this column. By clicking on the former icon a dialog will be displayed showing the comments associated to the task.
  • Id: Object Id
  • Process Instance Id: Id of the process instance associated with the task.
  • Process Definition: Name of the process definition associated with the task.
  • Version: Version of the process instance associated with the task.
  • Activity: Name of the activity associated with the task.
  • State: Current state of the task.
  • User: Name of the user who execute or took the task.
  • Role: Rol assigned to the task.
  • Created: Creation date.
  • Ended: Finish date.
  • Candidates: This button allows you to see the users who can take a task.
  • View Diagram: This button allows you to see an animated image with the history of the process.

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