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c-tree Error Code Reference

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Value Symbolic Constant Explanation
0 NO_ERROR Successful operation.
2 KDUP_ERR Key value already exists in index.
3 KMAT_ERR Could not delete target key value since recbyt does not match associated data record position in index.
4 KDEL_ERR Could not find target key value in index. No deletion performed. May indicate improper use of buffers during ReWriteRecord()
5 KBLD_ERR Cannot call DeleteKeyBlind() with an index that supports duplicate keys.
6 BJMP_ERR ctree() function jump table error.
7 TUSR_ERR Terminate user.
-8 FCNF_COD This is a sysiocod value when FNOP_ERR was caused by conflicting open requests (Server).
-9 FDEV_COD This is a sysiocod value when FNOP_ERR, DCRAT_ERR, orKCRAT_ERR were caused by device access error
10 SPAC_ERR InitCTree() parameters require too much space.
11 SPRM_ERR Bad parameter(s): either bufs < 3, idxs <0, sect <1, or dats < 0.
12 FNOP_ERR Could not open file. Either file does not exist, filnam points to incorrect file name, or file is locked by another process. Checksysiocod for the system-level error. For ISAM functions, check isam_fil for the specific file number.
For the client/server model only, if a file open returns FNOP_ERR, check sysiocod. If sysiocod = FCNF_COD, (-8), the file exists but there is file mode conflict preventing the file from being opened. For example, requesting an ctEXCLUSIVE open when the file is already open ctSHARED.
The failure to open the file with system error 32 could happen due to third-party backup software having the file open even if it does not lock regions of the file.
For example, if the software has the file open in exclusive mode, an attempt by c-tree to open the file in shared or exclusive mode will fail. If the software has the file open in shared mode, an attempt by c-tree to open the file in exclusive mode will fail.
13 FUNK_ERR OpenIFile() cannot determine type of file. Version 3.3 files must be rebuilt before they can be used.
14 FCRP_ERR File appears corrupt at open. This occurs if a file is updated; and the disk protocol is set at NOTFORCE; and CloseIFile() is not executed. Rebuild file.
15 FCMP_ERR Data file has been compacted, but not rebuilt. Rebuild data file, but do not force rebuild.
16 KCRAT_ERR Could not create index file. Either no space is available on disk orfilnam points to improper name.
17 DCRAT_ERR Could not create data file. Either no space is available on disk orfilnam points to improper name.
18 KOPN_ERR Tried to create existing index file.
19 DOPN_ERR Tried to create existing data file.
20 KMIN_ERR Key length too large for node size. There must be room for at least 3 key values per node. The node size is given by sect * 128 where sect is 3rd parameter.
21 DREC_ERR Cannot create data file with record length smaller than 5.
22 FNUM_ERR filno out of range: 0 <= filno < fils, where fils is 2nd parameter. This error may occur if c-tree has not been initialized.
23 KMEM_ERR Illegal index member number.
24 FCLS_ERR Could not close file. Usually indicates that memory is clobbered.
25 KLNK_ERR Bad link in deleted node list. Rebuild file.
26 FACS_ERR File number (datno, keyno, or filno) is not in use.
27 LBOF_ERR Data record position before 1st actual data record
28 ZDRN_ERR AddKey() called with recbyt = 0.
29 ZREC_ERR Data file routine called with recbyt = 0.
30 LEOF_ERR recbyt exceeds logical end of file. If recbyt is correct, then data file header record may be incorrect. If so, rebuild data file.
31 DELFLG_ERR Next record in delete chain of a fixed-length data file does not have 1st byte set to 0xff. Data file header record may be corrupt; if so, rebuild data file. Or C255 constant is incorrect: see ctcmpl.h.
32 DDRN_ERR Attempt to delete data record twice in a row.
33 DNUL_ERR recptr is NULL.
34 PRDS_ERR Could not find correct predecessor node. Should not show up in a single user system. Indicates that an index insertion was interrupted before completion. Rebuild index.
35 SEEK_ERR lseek() failed in function ctio() (ctclib.c). Possible causes are: out of disk space, corrupted record position in file, or corrupted file descriptor.
36 READ_ERR Read failed in function ctio() (ctclib.c). Possible cause: corrupted data record position in file.
37 WRITE_ERR Write failed in function ctio(). See 35 above.
38 VRTO_ERR Could not convert a virtually opened file to an actually opened file. This might occur if your application uses up some file descriptors after a virtual file has been automatically closed. You can protect against this by lowering the MAXVFIL parameter in ctoptn.h.
39 FULL_ERR The 4-byte data record position (or node position) address space has been exhausted.
40 KSIZ_ERR sect * 128 (where sect is 3rd InitCTree() parameter) was larger when index was created. Buffers are too small for nodes.
41 UDLK_ERR Could not unlock data record. If dummy lock file is in use, be sure it has a file mode of 3.
42 DLOK_ERR Could not obtain data record lock. In a DOS system, be sure that the network is up or share is loaded.
43 FVER_ERR Current configuration parameters are inconsistent with the configuration parameters at the time of file creation.
44 OSRL_ERR Data file serial number overflow.
45 KLEN_ERR Index key length exceeds MAXLEN parameter. Change MAXLENin ctoptn.h and recompile c-tree.
46 FUSE_ERR File number is already in use. If possible, increase the FILES setting in the server (or the fils parameter of INITISAM() for standalone). In releases after V10.3, the default forMAX_FILES_PER_USER has been increased from 2048 to 32767 to avoid file opens failing due to the lower limit.
47 FINT_ERR c-tree has not been initialized
48 FMOD_ERR A function has been called for the wrong type of file: e.g., a variable-length function is called for a fixed-length data file.
49 FSAV_ERR Could not write file directory updates to disk during file extension.
50 LNOD_ERR Could not lock index file node.
51 UNOD_ERR Could not unlock index file node. If a dummy lock file is in use, be sure it has a file mode of 3.
52 KTYP_ERR Variable-length and/or floating point keys disabled in ctoptn.h.
53 FTYP_ERR The file’s file mode is inconsistent with the compile time options selected in ctoptn.h.
54 REDF_ERR Attempt to write a read only file.
55 DLTF_ERR File deletion failed.
56 DLTP_ERR File must be opened exclusive for delete.
57 DADV_ERR Proper lock is not held (ctCHECKLOCK/READ).
58 KLOD_ERR LoadKey() called with incorrect key number. You cannot continue.
59 KLOR_ERR LoadKey() called with key out of order. You may skip this key and continue.
60 KFRC_ERR Percent out of range.
61 CTNL_ERR NULL file control block detected during I/O.
62 LERR_ERR File must be opened exclusively.
63 RSER_ERR Start file/log file serial number error.
64 RLEN_ERR Checkpoint past end of log file.
65 RMEM_ERR Not enough memory during transaction processing.
66 RCHK_ERR Log file entry failed to find checkpoint.
67 RENF_ERR Could not rename file.
68 LALC_ERR Could not allocate memory for control list.
69 BNOD_ERR Node does not belong to index.
70 TEXS_ERR Transaction already pending.
71 TNON_ERR No active transaction.
72 TSHD_ERR No space for shadow buffer.
73 TLOG_ERR ctLOGFIL encountered during shadow only.
74 TRAC_ERR Recovery: two active transactions for user.
75 TROW_ERR Recovery: bad transaction owner.
76 TBAD_ERR Recovery: bad transaction type.
77 TRNM_ERR Recovery: file name too long.
78 TABN_ERR Transaction abandoned: Too many log extents or dynamic dump wait exhausted.
79 FLOG_ERR Could not log file opn/cre/cls/del.
80 BKEY_ERR NULL target or bad keyno.
81 ATRN_ERR Transaction allocation error.
82 UALC_ERR User allocation error.
83 IALC_ERR ISAM allocation error.
84 MUSR_ERR Maximum users exceeded.
85 LUPD_ERR Attempt to reduce write lock to read lock after update.
86 DEAD_ERR Dead lock detected.
87 QIET_ERR System is busy: files in use.
88 LMEM_ERR Linked list memory allocation error.
89 TMEM_ERR Memory allocation during transaction processing.
90 NQUE_ERR Could not create queue.
91 QWRT_ERR Queue write error.
92 QMRT_ERR Queue memory error during write.
93 QRED_ERR Queue read error.
94 PNDG_ERR Pending error: Cannot save or commit transaction.
95 STSK_ERR Could not start task.
96 LOPN_ERR Start-file/log open error.
97 SUSR_ERR Bad user handle.
98 BTMD_ERR Bad transaction mode.
99 TTYP_ERR Transaction type / mode conflict.
100 ICUR_ERR No current ISAM record for data file isam_fil.
101 INOT_ERR Could not satisfy ISAM search request for index isam_fil.
The following items are the most probable causes of theINOT_ERR (101):
Passing GetRecord() a duplicate allowed index number (keyno). GetRecord() does not support duplicate allowed indices.
Improper target padding. Review “Key Segment Modes” in the c-tree Programmer’s Guide.
Not calling TransformKey() on target. Refer to “TransformKey” in the Function Reference Guide
Improper segment mode. Review “Key Segment Modes” in the c-tree Programmer’s Guide.
102 INOD_ERR ISAM parameter file does not exist. Be sure that filnam parameter points to correct name. isam_fil value is undefined.
103 IGIN_ERR Could not read ISAM parameter file Initialization record. isam_fil is undefined. Be sure that parameter file is not empty, and that the correct short integer input conversion character has been specified in ctoptn.h.
104 IFIL_ERR Number of files opened exceeds fils parameter at initialization. Increase fils. Optionally change ctMAXFIL in ctoptn.h. isam_fil is undefined.
105 IUND_ERR Could not undo a rejected ISAM update. Data file must be rebuilt. (During the rebuild, look for records with rejected duplicate key values.)
106 IDRI_ERR Could not read ISAM parameter file Data File Description record for isam_fil. Be sure parameter file is consistent with RTREEsetting in ctoptn.h.
107 IDRK_ERR Too many indices for data file number isam_fil in ISAM parameter file. Change MAX_DAT_KEY in ctoptn.h.
108 IMKY_ERR keyno for index file member out of sequence. keyno must equal host index file keyno plus member number.
109 IKRS_ERR Too many key segments defined in ISAM parameter file for index number isam_fil. Change MAX_KEY_SEG in ctoptn.h. Be sure that parameter file is consistent with RTREE setting in ctoptn.h.
110 ISRC_ERR Could not read ISAM parameter file Key Segment Description record for index number isam_fil.
111 IKRI_ERR Could not read ISAM parameter file Index File Description record.isam_fil indicates the relative index number for an unspecified data file.
112 IPND_ERR (ctENABLE) found pending locks.
113 INOL_ERR No space left in c-tree’s internal lock list.
114 IRED_ERR 1st byte of fixed-length data record found by ISAM routine equals delete flag.
115 ISLN_ERR Sum of key segment lengths does not match key length for index number isam_fil.
116 IMOD_ERR Bad mode parameter.
117 IMRI_ERR Could not read ISAM parameter file Index Member record.
118 SKEY_ERR NextInSet or PreviousInSet called with a keyno that does not match keyno in last call to FirstInSet or .
119 SKTY_ERR FirstInSet called for numeric key type.
120 RRLN_ERR Not enough dynamic memory for record buffer in ctrbld.c.
121 KBUF_ERR Tried to update data with ctISAMKBUFhdr on.
122 RMOD_ERR Attempt to change between fixed and variable-length records during rebuild. Once a data file is created, its record length characteristic cannot be changed.
123 RVHD_ERR A variable-length data record is not preceded by a valid record mark. The file is apparently corrupted.
124 INIX_ERR Number of indices in index file does not match IFIL structure in call to OpenIFile() or the parameter file specified by .
125 IINT_ERR c-tree is already initialized via a previous call.
126 ABDR_ERR Bad directory path get.
127 ARQS_ERR Could not send request. See “Client/Server ctntio Communication Errors (Formerly VDP Errors)” in the c-tree Programmer’s Reference Guide for more information.
128 ARSP_ERR Could not receive answer. See “Client/Server ctntio Communication Errors (Formerly VDP Errors)” for more information.
129 NINT_ERR c-tree not initialized.
130 AFNM_ERR NULL file name pointer. Empty file name on call to open or create.
131 AFLN_ERR File name length exceeds message size.
132 ASPC_ERR No room for application message buffer.
133 ASKY_ERR Could not identify Server.
134 ASID_ERR Could not get Servers message ID.
135 AAID_ERR Could not allocate application ID.
136 AMST_ERR Could not get application message status.
137 AMQZ_ERR Could not set application message size.
138 AMRD_ERR Could not get rid of application message.
139 ABNM_ERR Badly formed file name.
140 VMAX_ERR Variable record length exceeds 65,529 bytes.
141 AMSG_ERR Required message size exceeds maximum.
142 SMXL_ERR Application MAXLEN > Server’s MAXLEN ctoptn.h.
143 SHND_ERR Communications handler not installed.
144 QMEM_ERR Application could not ID output queue.
145 ALOG_ERR No message space. Was login ok?
146 VDLK_ERR Could not update available space information in variable-length data file.
147 VDLFLG_ERR Record pointed to by available space information is not marked deleted in variable-length data file.
148 VLEN_ERR Attempt to write a variable-length record into a file position which is too small for the record.
149 VRLN_ERR Variable-length passed to AddVRecord() is less than minimum record length established at file creation.
150 SHUT_ERR Server is shutting down.
151 STRN_ERR Could not shut down; transactions pending.
152 LEXT_ERR Could not extend logfile.
153 VBSZ_ERR Buffer in call to ReReadVRecord() is too small for the variable-length record.
154 VRCL_ERR Attempt to read (R) a zero length record from a variable-length data file.
155 SYST_ERR Native system failure.
156 NTIM_ERR Timeout error.
158 VFLG_ERR ReReadVRecord() record not marked active.
159 VPNT_ERR Zero data record position in variable-length function.
160 ITIM_ERR Multi-user interference: key value changed between index search and subsequent data record read.
161 SINA_ERR User appears inactive.
162 SGON_ERR Server has gone away.
163 SFRE_ERR No more room in Server lock table - free up memory.
164 SFIL_ERR File number out of range.
165 SNFB_ERR No c-tree file control block.
166 SNMC_ERR No more c-tree file control blocks in Server.
167 SRQS_ERR Could not read request.
168 SRSP_ERR Could not send answer.
169 TCRE_ERR Create file already opened (in recovery).
170 SFUN_ERR Bad function number at Server.
171 SMSG_ERR Application message size exceeds Server size.
172 SSPC_ERR Could not allocate Server message buffer.
173 SSKY_ERR Could not identify Server.
174 SSID_ERR Could not get Server message ID.
175 SAMS_ERR Server could not allocate user message area
176 SMST_ERR Could not get Server message status
177 SMQZ_ERR Could not set message Server message size
178 SINM_ERR Unexpected file number assigned to si in recovery.
179 SOUT_ERR Server is at full user capacity
180 IKRU_ERR Could not read r-tree symbolic index name.
181 IKMU_ERR Could not get dynamic memory for r-tree symbolic index name.
182 IKSR_ERR Cannot accommodate temporary r-tree files. Increase ctMAXFIL.
183 IDRU_ERR Could not read r-tree data field symbolic names.
184 ISDP_ERR Multiple set buffer space already allocated.
185 ISAL_ERR Not enough dynamic memory for multiple sets.
186 ISNM_ERR Set number out of range in .
187 IRBF_ERR Null buffer pointer in r-tree.
188 ITBF_ERR Null target buffer pointer in r-tree.
189 IJSK_ERR JOINS_TO skip condition in r-tree.
190 IJER_ERR JOINS_TO error condition in r-tree.
191 IJNL_ERR JOINS_TO null fill condition in r-tree.
192 IDSK_ERR IS_DETAIL_FOR skip condition in r-tree.
193 IDER_ERR IS_DETAIL_FOR error condition in r-tree.
194 IDNL_ERR IS_DETAIL_FOR null fill condition in r-tree.
195 IDMU_ERR Could not get dynamic memory for r-tree data field symbolic names.
196 ITML_ERR Exceeded RETRY_LIMIT on error 160 in r-tree.
197 IMEM_ERR Could not get memory for IFIL block.
198 BIFL_ERR Improper IFIL block.
199 NSCH_ERR Key segment refers to schema but no schema is defined.
Value Symbolic Constant Explanation
400 RCRE_ERR Resource already enabled.
401 RNON_ERR Resources not enabled
402 RXCL_ERR File must be exclusive to enable resource.
403 RZRO_ERR Empty resource ID.
404 RBUF_ERR Output buffer to small.
405 RDUP_ERR Resource ID already added.
406 RCSE_ERR Bad resource search mode.
407 RRED_ERR Attempt to get non-resource info. Can occur on fixed-length file with numeric value in first position. See “IMPORTANT - Data Record Delete Flag” for more information.
408 RNOT_ERR Resource not found.
409 RELN_ERR Resource length <= 0
410 USTP_ERR User not active.
411 BSUP_ERR Not a superfile.
412 SOPN_ERR Attempt to create open superfile member.
413 SDIR_ERR Superfile host not opened.
414 SNST_ERR Cannot nest superfiles.
415 SADD_ERR Illegal AddKey() to superfile.
416 SDEL_ERR Illegal DELBLD to superfile.
417 SPAG_ERR Superfile created with different index node size.
418 SNAM_ERR Superfile created with maximum name length exceeding current maximum.
419 SRCV_ERR Host superfile does not support recovery.
420 TPND_ERR Key update with pending transaction.
421 BTFL_ERR Filter not supported. Probably an invalid value in mode parameter.
422 BTFN_ERR Function not supported. Probably an invalid value in mode parameter.
423 BTIC_ERR Incomplete batch. You specified BAT_COMPLETE in aDoBatch() call.
424 BTAD_ERR Add list error. Internal processing problem. May be a memory overwrite.
425 BTIP_ERR Batch already in progress. You made a call to DoBatch() to open a new batch before you have completed the prior one. Make a call with a mode of BAT_CAN first.
426 BTNO_ERR No batch active. You are calling DoBatch() with a mode ofBAT_CAN or BAT_NXT.
427 BTST_ERR Status info already returned. You are making two consecutiveDoBatch() calls looking just for status information.
428 BTMT_ERR No more info; batch cancelled.
429 BTBZ_ERR bufsiz is too small for a single record. You need a larger buffer for this file.
430 BTRQ_ERR Request is a NULL pointer.
431 LAGR_ERR Aggregate/serialization lock denied.
432 FLEN_ERR Fixed-length string requires len in DODA.
433 SSCH_ERR Segment definition inconsistent with schema.
434 DLEN_ERR Very long def block not supported.
435 FMEM_ERR File def memory error.
436 DNUM_ERR Bad def number.
437 DADR_ERR defptr NULL during GETDEFBLK().
438 DZRO_ERR Resource found with zero (0) length.
439 DCNV_ERR File definition conversion missing: call FairCom.
440 DDDM_ERR Dynamic dump already in progress.
441 DMEM_ERR No memory for dynamic dump file buffer.
442 DAVL_ERR One or more files not available for dump.
443 DSIZ_ERR File length discrepancy.
444 DCRE_ERR Could not create file during dump recovery.
445 SDAT_ERR Not enough data to assemble key.
446 BMOD_ERR Invalid key mode.
447 BOWN_ERR You must be the owner of this file.
448 DEFP_ERR File definition permission denied.
449 DADM_ERR ADMIN has opened file. Cannot delete file.
450 LUID_ERR Invalid user ID when logging on Server.
451 LPWD_ERR Invalid password when logging on Server.
452 LSRV_ERR Server could not process user/acct info.
453 NSRV_ERR Invalid Server name.
454 NSUP_ERR Service not supported. Using an option unavailable to this library.
455 SGRP_ERR User does not belong to group.
456 SACS_ERR Group access denied.
457 SPWD_ERR File password invalid.
458 SWRT_ERR Write permission not granted.
459 SDLT_ERR Delete permission denied
460 SRES_ERR Resource not enabled.
461 SPER_ERR Bad permission flag.
462 SHDR_ERR No superfile directory found during CTSBLD() processing.
463 UQID_ERR File does not have unique Server/File number.
464 IISM_ERR ISAM level logon not performed.
465 IINI_ERR Incremental Index: dnumidx < 1.
466 IIDT_ERR Incremental Index: dfilno not an ISAM file.
467 IINM_ERR Incremental Index: aidxnam NULL for 1st.
468 IITR_ERR Incremental Index: active tran not allowed.
469 NGIO_ERR Negative I/O request.
470 LGST_ERR Guest logons disabled.
471 JOBT_ERR Job Thread Launch error - ctFeatJOBMGTSYS
471-497 Sort Errors See 471-497 Sort Error Codes.
498 NLOG_ERR Old log file found during log create.
499 FIDD_ERR Mismatch between recovery log and file ID.
500 SQLINIT_ERR Server could not init SQL engine.
501 SQLCONNECT_ERR Could not init SQL for a user.
502 SQL_REQUEST_ERROR Could not access SQL master info.
503 SQL_INVALID_CONTINUE Could not continue SQL request
504 NSQL_ERR Server does not support SQL.
505 USQL_ERR User profile does not enable SQL.
506 SRFL_ERR Could not open save/restore file.
507 SRIO_ERR Could not process save/restore file.
508 SRIN_ERR Save/restore inconsistency.
509 DSRV_ERR Duplicate Server.
510 RFCK_ERR Active chkpnt at start of roll-forward.
511 ILOP_ERR Index nodes form illegal loop: rebuild.
512 DLOP_ERR Data file loop detected.
513 SBLF_ERR FPUTFGET does not support CTSBLDX ().
514 CQUE_ERR Queue has been closed.
515 OIFL_ERR Cannot convert old IFIL structure.
516 GNUL_ERR ctNOGLOBALS not allocated.
517 GNOT_ERR regid is not registered.
518 GEXS_ERR regid is already registered.
519 IEOF_ERR Index logical EOF error.
The index end of file error gives warning when a B-tree index node appears to be past the logical end of the index file. Such an error indicates that the index is corrupted. Note the following points:
Should not occur on indices under transaction processing control or in Standalone Multi-user mode.
On non-transaction processed indices, something has corrupted the index. The index must be rebuilt or recovered as follows.
Recover by copying the key values to a new index. The corrupted index file can be opened with the file modes:ctOPENCRPT | ctREADFIL, permitting the index to be searched, and the IEOF_ERR suppressed.
520 HTRN_ERR Attempt to update index with inconsistent transaction number. If encountered, compact and rebuild the file to resolve the error.
521 BMAL_ERR Could not allocate memory for the Streettalk login message buffer.
522 STID_ERR Userid in InitISAM() does not match current login ID.
527 BIDX_ERR Index must be rebuilt. See CTSTATUS.FCS.
528 SLEN_ERR Key segment length error.
529 CHKP_ERR System checkpoints terminated.
530 LMTC_ERR Client does not match server.
531 BREP_ERR Index reorg entry error.
532 ASAV_ERR SetSavePoint() called with ctAUTOSAVE on
533 MTRN_ERR File header high-water-mark overflow.
534 OTRN_ERR Transaction Number Overflow or Pending File ID Overflow (see Pending File ID Overflow in the FairCom Whitepapers).
535 REGC_ERR c-tree instance not registered.
536 AREG_ERR Only automatic RegisterCTree() allowed.
537 TCOL_ERR Transaction log collision.
538 PIOT_ERR Client-side bad function array type.
-539 BFIL_COD sysiocod when file does not appear to contain any valid information.
540 PNUL_ERR NULL parameter
541 LWRT_ERR Transaction log cannot be written.
542 MCRE_ERR Could not create mirror file.
543 MOPN_ERR Could not open mirror file.
544 MCLS_ERR Could not close mirror file.
545 MDLT_ERR Could not delete mirror file.
546 MWRT_ERR Could not write mirror file.
547 MSAV_ERR Could not save mirror file.
548 MRED_ERR Could not read mirror file.
549 MHDR_ERR Mismatch between mirror headers.
550 MSKP_ERR Attempt to open primary w/o mirror: OR-ing in a file mode ofctMIRROR_SKP permits a primary file to be opened w/o error.
551 MNOT_ERR File already opened without mirror.
552 MSEG_ERR Segmented file cannot be mirrored.
553 FBEG_ERR Attempt to add a record beginning with either a delete flag (0xFF) or a resource mark (0xFEFE) failed. This capability can be disabled:
For non-server applications, disable the check by compiling with NO_ctBEHAV_CHECKFIX defined.
For client/server applications, the configuration keywordCOMPATIBILITY NO_CHECKFIX turns off this check.
554 ISRL_ERR Inconsistent SerialNum definition info.
It is inappropriate (regardless of partitioned files or not) to usePRMIIDX to add indices that use SRLSEG if SRLSEG based indices do not already exist. First, a SRLSEG index requires space in the data record. Second, none of the existing records would have SRLSEG data already in place, even if space had been reserved. ISRL_ERR (554) is returned when PRMIIDXattempts to add indices with SRLSEG when SRLSEG has not already been used.
555 PREA_ERR Could not read primary files, so it is switching to mirrored files.
556 PWRT_ERR Could not write primary files, so it is switching to mirrored files.
557 CWRT_ERR Could not write mirror files, so it is suspending mirrored files.
558 PSAV_ERR Could not save primary files, so it is switching to mirrored files.
559 CSAV_ERR Could not save mirror files, so it is suspending mirrored files.
560 SMON_ERR Only one of each monitor at a time.
561 DDMP_BEG SYSMON: dynamic dump begins.
562 DDMP_END SYSMON: dynamic dump ends.
563 DDMP_ERR SYSMON: dynamic dump ends (errors).
At the end of automatic recovery, the following conditions (errors 570-576) may be detected which require cleanup before continuing. The specifics are reported inCTSTATUS.FCS:
570 RCL1_ERR Incomplete compression.
571 RCL2_ERR Index rebuild required.
572 RCL3_ERR Incomplete compression and index rebuild required.
573 RCL4_ERR Primary/mirror files out-of-syncronization. Copy good file over bad.
574 RCL5_ERR Incomplete compression and primary/mirror files out-of-syncronization.
575 RCL6_ERR Index rebuild required and primary/mirror files out-of-syncronization.
576 RCL7_ERR Incomplete compression and index rebuild required and primary/mirror files out-of-syncronization.
577 DWRT_ERR Update refused during protected dmp
579 LIVL_ERR Logon interval error.
580 FSEC_ERR Could not perform file security op.
581 EGRP_ERR Group does not exist.
582 KSML_ERR Key length too small.
583 SAVL_ERR File extension exceeds diskfull limit.
584 LRSM_ERR Exceeded failed logon limit.
585 LVAL_ERR Logon date exception.
-586 MFID_COD File name different, however, matching file ID found.
-587 CPND_COD Close/delete deferred: pending transaction.
588 CPND_ERR Attempt to close or delete file with pending transaction.
589 LADM_ERR Member of ADMIN group required.
590 NCON_ERR Could not find ISAM context ID.
591 OCON_ERR Old context ID. Call .
592 ECON_ERR Context ID exists.
593 XUSR_ERR Non-ADMIN user blocked from log on.
-594 XUSR_COD Users in SEC_BLOCK class logged on.
595 CLEN_ERR varlen too small in PUTCRES.
596 CMIS_ERR Missing information.
597 CINI_ERR Could not initialize expression.
598 CVAL_ERR Could not evaluate conditional expression.
599 DEXT_ERR Dynamic Dump extent error.
Value Symbolic Constant Explanation
600 CTHD_ERR No more client threads.
601 VRFY_ERR ctVERIFY detected problems with index.
602 CMEM_ERR No memory for system lock table.
603 FLEX_ERR Could not allocate FCB.
604 FINC_ERR Could not increase user files.
605 KSRL_ERR Records with bad (all FF) serial numbers.
606 DCOD_ERR Could not handle file encoding.
607 RCOD_ERR Recovery could not enable encoding.
608 IAIX_ERR IIDX attributes do not match file.
609 LTPW_ERR Temporary password failure.
610 HNUL_ERR NULL target not permitted for this request.
611 HLOG_ERR Could not access/find transaction log.
612 HSTR_ERR Must make a first search call (ctHISTfirst()).
613 HONE_ERR Can only return data OR index entries.
614 HMAP_ERR Could not find ISAM map from specified index file to a data file.
615 HIDX_ERR Cannot return index entries from a specified data file.
616 HACT_ERR TransactionHistory() cannot be called during an application’s own active transaction.
617 HNOT_ERR Did not find target.
618 HENT_ERR No more transaction log entries.
619 HZRO_ERR Zero recbyt not permitted on this request.
620 HSIZ_ERR Bufsiz too small.
621 HTYP_ERR Transaction type found in log not expected.
622 HMID_ERR Must reset TransactionHistory() through a terminate call or preliminary log call.
623 HMEM_ERR Not enough memory for CTHIST.
624 HNET_ERR Net change only applies to specific match of key or record position.
625 HMTC_ERR Must specify exactly one matching criteria: ctHISTpos orctHISTkey or one or both of ctHISTuser and ctHISTnode.
626 HUND_ERR Encountered an UNDTRAN (undo committed transaction) going forward. Must completely restart this set of history calls (i.e. repeat the first search call and subsequent search calls: the undone transaction will be ignored).
627 HUNK_ERR Unknown type of request.
628 HFIL_ERR Must specify filno.
629 HTFL_ERR Could not initialize internal file ID: Preserve files and contact FairCom.
630 HUNX_ERR Unexpected length in log entry.
631 SSLO_ERR Could not get ctSS_LOCK on file
-632 LLOK_COD User lost locks found on close
633 NPLN_ERR NULL plen (pointer to size).
634 NLEN_ERR Negative length specified.
635 TSYC_ERR Could not create thread synchronization object.
636 TSYF_ERR Thread synchronization object ‘get’ failed.
637 TSYR_ERR Thread synchronization object ‘rel’ failed.
638 TQUE_ERR Queue message truncated to fit.
639 TZRO_ERR Semaphore must be initialized with count > 0.
640 TINT_ERR Semaphore already initialized.
641 TSYX_ERR Thread synchronization object ‘cls’ failed.
642 EXCT_ERR Must use exact file name.
643 DPND_ERR Accessing a file pending delete
-644 RDEL_COD Reversible TRANDEP delete
645 CHGF_ERR File number changed after deferred close.
646 SDEP_ERR Superfile member/host TRANDEP specification conflict
-647 E2GB_COD No support beyond 2 GB
-648 E4GB_COD No support beyond 4 GB
649 Reserved
650 DUPJ_ERR Duplicate keys purged and logged.
651 DUPX_ERR Could not process duplicate key log.
652 DUPL_ERR Duplicate keys rejected and listed.
653 MAPL_ERR Attempt to exceed mapped lock limit.
654 TLNG_ERR Record length too long for log size.
655 FREO_ERR Could not reopen using freopen().
656 LHDR_ERR Transaction log header is bad.
657 CPYF_ERR Could not create copy file.
658 CPYW_ERR Could not write copy file.
659 CPYR_ERR Could not read entire original file.
660 CPYB_ERR Rebuild complete, but failed mirror copy.
661 CPYX_ERR Failed process duplicate log and copy mirror.
662 CPYJ_ERR Duplicate key purged, but could not copy mirror.
663 CPYL_ERR Duplicate key rejected, but could not copy mirror.
664 LPRI_ERR Primary log (or start) file failed.
665 LMIR_ERR Mirrored log (or start) file failed.
666 LFRM_ERR Incompatible log format.
667 MAXZ_ERR Attempt to exceed max file size.
668 LRGN_ERR Large page size not a multiple of 16K.
669 XCRE_ERR Inconsistent XCREblk.
670 HMIN_ERR Node sectors too small for huge file.
671 XOVR_ERR Non-zero high long with non-huge file.
672 HDR8_ERR Inconsistency: file attr & sys version.
673 SIG8_ERR Extended header bad signature.
674 SEGM_ERR Additional file segments needed.
675 SEGS_ERR File segments not supported.
676 SEGO_ERR Could not open segment.
677 SEGD_ERR Cannot directly operate on seg def
678 SEGN_ERR Bad file segment name.
679 SEGZ_ERR Bad file segment size.
680 SEGC_ERR Could not create file segment.
681 SEGH_ERR Could not process segment header.
682 SEGL_ERR Seg resource cannot move.
683 SEGU_ERR Seg update invalid, see CTSTATUS.FCS.
684 SEGX_ERR Segment update already in progress.
685 SEGF_ERR I/O on segmented file terminated.
686 SEGR_ERR Segment definition too large.
687 SEGQ_ERR Unexpected value during recovery.
688 SEGP_ERR Pending segment mismatch.
689 SEQ8_ERR 1st & 2nd headers out of sync.
690 CREQ_ERR Bad request header CheckSum.
691 CRSP_ERR Bad response header CheckSum.
692 CRCQ_ERR Bad request (to server) CRC.
693 CRCP_ERR Bad response (from server) CRC.
694 NUNC_ERR No Unicode support.
695 BSPC_ERR Could not get work buffer for blk I/O.
696 SEGK_ERR OPNFIL() called for a segment
697 DSPC_ERR Could not allocate encoding buffer.
700 OSEG_ERR Could not open key segment definition.
701 CSEG_ERR Could not process compression options.
702 ASEG_ERR Could not process compression attributes.
703 HSEG_ERR Invalid key segment handle.
704 SSEG_ERR Invalid source type.
705 DSEG_ERR Segment definition already exists.
706 NSEG_ERR No segment data produced.
707 USEG_ERR No segment definition.
708 MBSP_ERR Multi-byte names not supported.
709 MBNM_ERR Badly formed multi-byte name.
710 MBFM_ERR Multi-byte variant not supported.
711 DIDX_ERR Cannot call UPDCIDX() while DROPIDX() pending.
712 PLOW_ERR Partition number out of range - low.
713 PHST_ERR File is not partition host.
714 PMBR_ERR File is not partition member.
715 PNOT_ERR Raw partition does not exist.
716 PXPR_ERR Bad value for partition key.
717 POVR_ERR Could not overload partition number.
718 PUSD_ERR Partition member in use.
719 PPND_ERR Partition member pending purge.
720 PPRG_ERR Partition member purged.
721 PARC_ERR Partition member archived.
722 PLST_ERR Bad partition host list.
723 PTRY_ERR Must retry operation.
724 PCRP_ERR Bad current ISAM position for host.
725 PVRN_ERR PARTRES version error.
-726 PPRG_COD Duplicate error caused by purged part.
727 PFMD_ERR Bad partition file mode settings.
728 PSUP_ERR Partition support not enabled.
729 PUNQ_ERR Purged unique global keys encountered.
730 PHGH_ERR Partition number out of range - high.
731 PRIK_ERR Illegal operation with primary key.
732 UMOD_ERR Illegal file mode / x8mode value.
733 PMOP_ERR Cannot open this member except read-only.
734 EXTH_ERR Extended header required.
735 CUNF_ERR Client does not support UNIFRMAT server.
736 AOVR_ERR Async handle overflow.
737 PMTC_ERR Partition member characteristics do not match.
738 MINT_ERR ctThrdInit() must be called first.
739 FFLT_ERR Record does not pass filter.
740 DDCR_ERR Dynamic dump refused SF member create.
741 DDDR_ERR Dynamic dump refused SF member delete.
742 S6BT_ERR Superfile member idx / host 6BTRAN !=
743 SFHI_ERR Superfile host directory index null.
744 FREL_ERR File requires unavailable feature.
745 R6BT_ERR 6BTRAN file required.
746 ACHN_ERR Could not allocate I/O channel(s).
747 RSYN_ERR Partition rule syntax error.
748 REXT_ERR Read failed external cause: sysiocod
749 PBAD_ERR Bad parameter value.
750 ICUV_ERR Different ICU version, rebuild index.
751 CHKM_ERR Checkpoint memory inconsistency.
752 LSET_ERR More than one log set in transaction.
753 SPCL_ERR Cannot RST/CLR past special savepoint.
754 QOWN_ERR Only Q creator can perform operation.
755 SQUE_ERR A system queue is required.
756 NACT_ERR Server is not activated.
757 STPU_ERR Must uninit c-tree (STPUSR).
758 QNOT_ERR Only notifications to queue.
759 QUIN_ERR Wrong queue instance.
760 XMON_ERR SYSMON interrupted / cancelled.
761 NMON_ERR No active SYSMON.
762 NRNG_ERR No range defined for index.
763 ORNG_COD Segment out of range.
764 CRNG_ERR Range defined but no FRS/LST RNG.
765 CIOB_ERR Comm I/O has been blocked-ctcomioblk has been set by user.
766 VCLS_ERR Insufficient file handles and could not find file to close for virtual processing.
767 FALG_ERR Fixed length record offset not aligned.
768 CMLK_ERR Commit lock error: make sure record update performed with lock.
769 CULK_ERR Unexpected CMTLOK unlock failure: Call FairCom.
770 XTRN_ERR Cannot turn off file's tran support in middle of transaction if file updated.
771 COMP_ERR Compatibility option not enabled.
772 PLAT_ERR Platform does not support compatibility option.
773 SREP_ERR Superfile host & member must have same REPLICATIONattribute.
774 SMEM_ERR Superfile members must all be closed.
If a low-level file open call that requests write access to a c-tree data file fails with this error, it is because the data file has replication enabled. A c-tree data file that has replication enabled can only be opened for write access at the ISAM level. A read-only low-level call is allowed: use the ctREADFIL | ctSHARED filemodes when opening the file in addition to the other filemode options that you are using.
776 SUPR_ERR Operation not supported for SUPERFILES.
777 REPU_ERR Cannot unregister another client's replication instance.
778 REPI_ERR The specified replication instance name is not registered.
779 REPR_ERR The specified replication instance name is already registered.
780 REPA_ERR Cannot attach to replication instance with active connection.
781 REPC_ERR This replication connection already has a registered instance name.
782 UCMP_ERR Decompression error: unexpected output length.
783 IITI_ERR Incremental index: cannot add permanent indices while temporary indices exist.
784 LDPI_ERR LDAP initialization failed.
785 LDPC_ERR Error connecting to LDAP server.
786 LDPB_ERR Error binding to LDAP server.
787 LDPA_ERR LDAP user authentication failed.
788 LDPG_ERR Error checking user's LDAP groups.
789 LGRP_ERR Member of c-tree login group required.
790 LSST_ERR Strict serializer must be in transaction to access record.
791 LSSK_ERR Strict serializer cannot keep locks.
792 XSHT_ERR External server shutdown disabled.
793 PKSP_ERR Partial record rewrite has keys spanning partial record and remaining region of record.
794 XBUF_ERR Tried to update data with missing key buffer contents.
-795 VTSM_COD Recursive ctptsema() call for open or create.
796 FCPY_ERR File copy failed.
797 DRST_ERR Immediate dump restore failed.
798 FBLK_ERR File is blocked, retry later.
799 FBLK_RDO File block cleared: close/reopen file.
Value Symbolic Constant Explanation
800 TDEP_ERR TRANDEP file operation pending
801 FBLK_PND trying to set file block. leave core.
802 FBLK_SUP file block not supported for file type
803 LNEW_ERR existing lock not replaced: cts_lok81()
804 SETO_ERR cannot override configuration option that was specified in settings file
805 MSTK_ERR no memory for func stack alloc
806 KCON_ERR failed to connect to kernel engine
807 MSTK_COD ctDBGstack limit exceeded: debugging only
808 TRQS_ERR request timed out
809 TRSP_ERR response timed out
810 SLOG_ERR status log write failure
811 IAPI_ERR update only from internal API
812 ZRCZ_ERR unexpected zero node size in header
813 UBLK_ERR unexpected state for user block obj
814 FBLK_ACT thread did not have ctFBactive set
815 FBLK_NTF ctFILBLK already in progress for file
816 QTUQ_ERR only one ctQUIET process at a time
817 QTAB_ERR transaction aborted by ctQUIET
818 QTFB_ERR ctQUIET / ctFILBLK conflict
819 QTBB_ERR unexpected failure to block thread
820 QTBK_PND trying to get QUIET. leave core.
821 MLAB_ERR transaction abandoned: MAX_USER_LOGS
822 MLHG_ERR abort request would be suspended
-823 TRAB_COD QTAB_ERR or MLAB_ERR but operation performed
824 MIMP_ERR problem impersonating thread
825 QTOP_ERR ctQUIET called with files opened
826 QBAD_ERR improper ctQT actions: see sysiocod
827 UTIM_OUT User block timed out.
-828 ICUV_COD ICU version updated.
-829 ICUV_REB ICU version updated & rebuild required.
830 TTAB_ERR Transaction abandoned: TRAN_TIMEOUT.
831 TTHG_ERR Abort request would be suspended.
-832 ITMP_COD sysiocod value when ITIM_ERR occurs on a temporary index and record is skipped.
833 XNOD_ERR The connection attempt has been rejected because it would exceed the maximum number of concurrent client machines allowed.
834 XCON_ERR The connection attempt has been rejected because it would exceed the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed from this client machine.
835 TRAB_ERR Transaction aborted (e.g., MLAB_ERR or TTAB_ERR) before the requested operation was processed. (Compare with TRAB_COD.)
836 LCON_ERR The connection attempt has been rejected because only connections from the local system are allowed.
-837 IDUP_COD sysiocod value when KDUP_ERR occurs on a temporary index and error is ignored.
838 CEXC_ERR clnleaf(CLNIDXX) failed to clean node. Very unexpected; call FairCom.
839 CTRN_ERR Index file requires key level lock cleaning.
-840 CTRN_COD sysiocod when read only, admin open request blocked by on the fly CLNIDXX.
841 SHMC_ERR A connection attempt using the shared memory protocol failed due to an incompatibility between client and server.
842 FBLK_ABT Could not clear all threads from core, abort ctFILBLK()attempt.
843 QTBK_ABT Could not clear all threads from core, abort ctQUIET()attempt.
844 BTNO_COD Batch has been closed.
845 DNCT_ERR Index does not have distinct attribute.
846 DNCT_XCL DISTINCT set update in progress.
847 RPTD_ERR Auto recovery interrupted.
-848 RDND_COD sysiocod: LOKDYN demotion denied
-849 SAVP_COD sysiocod: LOKDYN free denied
850 TR_CLIL_ERR Transactional replication: Failed to start c-tree remote client subsystem. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
851 TR_RMAP_ERR Transactional replication: Failed to open replication mapping file. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
852 TR_RATR_ERR Transactional replication: Failed to open replica for writing because the file does not meet the requirements for replication. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
853 TR_FNOD_ERR Transactional replication: Failed to set node name for connection to master server. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
854 TR_REDF_ERR Transactional replication: Attempted to update replica without enabling transactional replication for the connection.
855 TR_SAVP_ERR Transactional replication: Failed to establish a savepoint because savepoint number is out of sync with master.
856 TR_RDIF_ERR Transactional replication: Failed to read record for update. Local record differs from master record.
857 XSUP_ERR In multi-user standalone mode: The superfile host is open in exclusive mode. The superfile member must be opened in exclusive mode, not shared mode.
858 TR_NSUP_ERR Transactional replication: This feature is not supported for replicas.
859 UVRC_ERR The client's structure definition for the fileFAIRCOM.FCS!USER.dat is out of date. Update client library.
860 UVRS_ERR The server's structure definition for the fileFAIRCOM.FCS!USER.dat is out of date. Update c-tree Server.
861 KLLX_ERR After recovery, a key-level lock for an undone transaction discovered in optional diagnostic scan.
862 UNPG_ERR LOCK_CACHE: System pagesize query failed.
863 IMPD_ERR The request to impersonate the specified connection was denied because the target connection does not allow impersonation.
864 IMPU_ERR The request to impersonate the specified connection was denied because the target connection does not allow impersonation by the specified connection.
865 IMPA_ERR The request to impersonate the specified connection was denied because the target connection is already being impersonated.
866 IMPB_ERR The request to impersonate the specified connection was denied because the target connection is executing a database operation or is blocked.
867 CBKD_ERR Failed to load the filter callback library. See CTSTATUS.FCSfor details.
868 CBKF_ERR Failed to resolve the filter callback function in the filter callback DLL. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
869 RCBK_ERR A user-defined callback function terminated the rebuild operation.
870 CBKV_ERR The filter callback DLL version is not compatible with the c-tree Server's filter callback version. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
871 XFR_SOPN_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the source file could not be opened for reading. Check sysiocod for the system error code.
872 XFR_DOPN_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the destination file could not be opened for writing. Check sysiocod for the system error code.
873 XFR_READ_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the source file could not be read. Check sysiocod for the system error code.
874 XFR_WRITE_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the destination file could not be written. Check sysiocod for the system error code.
875 XFR_BCON_ERR A bound database connection called the file transfer function, but this function is supported for client connections only.
876 XFR_BSIZ_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the caller specified an invalid file transfer block size.
877 XFR_SFNM_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the caller specified a NULL or empty source file name.
878 XFR_DFNM_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the caller specified a NULL or empty destination file name.
879 XFR_VER_ERR The version of the file transfer structure supplied by the caller is not compatible with the c-tree library's structure definition. Check sysiocod for the required file transfer structure version.
880 XFR_DEXS_ERR The file transfer operation failed because the destination file exists and the caller did not specify that the destination file is to be overwritten.
881 XFR_TREP_ERR The file transfer operation between a local and master server failed because the server does not support the transactional replication feature.
882 XFR_TRLC_ERR The file transfer operation between a local and master server failed because the server is not configured as a local server. Use the REPL_MAPPINGS option to configure the server as a local server.
883 MUOP_ERR An attempt was made to open a file multiple times by the same user with different user file numbers but this support is disabled.
‑884 DUFL_COD A sysiocod value that indicates a user file number mismatch during lock or unlock operations.
885 OCHK_COD A sysiocod value that indicates this API call to perform a checkpoint took no action because a checkpoint was already in progress.
886 UFLK_ERR Unexpected CHG_UFLOCK failure. Call FairCom (sysiocodspecifies locale).
887 DUFL_ERR Promoting a secondary lock from read to write is not supported.
888 CONGRP_INVTASKID_ERR The specified task ID does not correspond to an active client connection.
889 CONGRP_INUSE_ERR The specified connection is a member of a connection group.
890 HSTNAM_ERR An attempt to get the name of the host system failed. Check that the system's host name is properly configured.
891 HSTADR_ERR An attempt to get the IP addresses associated with the host system failed. Check that TCP/IP name resolution is properly configured on the host system.
892 MBUF_ERR An attempt to perform a sequential, index-based retrieval when the index does not have a current key value. This may occur because ctISAMKBUFhdr has turned off key buffer updates (MBUF_ERR); or a partial record read or changing current ISAM record location does not permit the current key value to be assembled (DBUF_ERR); or a conditional index constraint or NUL key results in no key value (NKEY_ERR).
895 TSEG_ERR Partition index segment definition does not satisfy the following constraint: there must be at least one segment used to perform the key-to-partition map, and all the segments used must come at the beginning of the key.
896 VSEG_ERR Covering index segment definitions do not map to partition index. Call FairCom.
897 KINC_ERR Covering index segment map (ptmap) is empty.
898 QABN_ERR A logon fails with QABN_ERR when a ctQUIET call has been abandoned, blocking attempts to validate user logons. Only the super user can logon when a ctQUIET has been abandoned. The super user can then call ctQUIET with actQTunblockALL argument.
899 PMCN_ERR Cannot perform ISAM Context operations on partition member unless it has been opened in stand-alone mode (i.e., independently of the host file).
900 SEQDUP_ERR A sequence having the specified name already exists.
901 SEQNAM_ERR An invalid sequence name was specified: the name is NULL, empty, or too long.
902 SEQHND_ERR The specified sequence handle is invalid.
903 SEQTYP_ERR The specified sequence type contains an invalid combination of sequence type options. The sequence type must be set to either ctSEQINC (incrementing sequence) orctSEQDEC (decrementing sequence), and eitherctSEQCYC (cycling sequence) or ctSEQTRM (terminating sequence), and optionally includes ctSEQLIM (enforce sequence limit).
904 SEQINI_ERR The initial value specified for the sequence is out of range. If the sequence enforces a limit, the initial sequence value must be less than the sequence limit for an incrementing sequence or must be greater than the sequence limit for a decrementing sequence.
905 SEQCUR_ERR The current value specified for the sequence is out of range. For an incrementing sequence, the current sequence value must be greater than or equal to the initial sequence value, and if the sequence enforces a limit the current sequence value must be less than or equal to the limit value. For a decrementing sequence, the current sequence value must be less than or equal to the initial sequence value, and if the sequence enforces a limit the current sequence value must be greater than or equal to the sequence limit.
906 SEQLIM_ERR The limit value specified for the sequence is out of range. The sequence limit must be greater than the initial sequence value for an incrementing sequence or must be less than the initial sequence value for a decrementing sequence. The sequence limit is only enforced if the sequence type specifies the ctSEQLIM bit.
907 SEQINC_ERR The increment value specified for the sequence is out of range. The sequence increment amount must be a positive value that is less than the difference between the initial sequence value and the sequence limit.
908 DSTX_ERR The file header indicates that the maximum number of partial key distinct counts supported by the file is greater than the system support limit: ctMAXSEGdistinct. The file cannot be opened.
909 VFYVER_ERR The structure version specified for the input and output structures is not supported by this version of the code.
910 VFYTRM_ERR A user-defined callback function terminated the index verify operation.
911 NSUP_DAR File contains a Direct Access Resource (DAR) that is not supported. sysiocod contains the type of DAR. See ctopt2.hfor dartyp assignments.
912 URES_ERR Special resource can only be added by system routine.sysiocod holds the special resource type.
913 DDAR_ERR Duplicate DAR not allowed. sysiocod holds the 'dartyp' value. See FC_DAR_TYPES in ctopt2.h for intrpetation.
914 XDAR_ERR Requested DAR does not exist.
915 LAUG_ERR Log file requires augmented log entries that are not supported.
916 NDAR_ERR Mismatch between header DAR count, and DARs found in resource chain.
917 ODAR_ERR Reached limit on the number of instances of a particular DAR type for a single file. Cannot add any more.
918 RDAR_ERR DAR attribute word is marked deleted (FC_DAR_delete bit). A nonTran file DAR delete forces DAR image to disk withFC_DAR_delete bit set in attribute word.
919 REPL_ERR Low-level operations are not allowed on replicated files.
920 FNAC_ERR The file exists but could not be accessed. Check the system error code stored in sysiocod for the reason.
921 IDFL_CHG Attempt to change IDfield during an ISAM rewrite operation. Rewrite fails.
922 IDFL_BUF Attempt an ISAM rewrite operation without current ISAM IDfield buffer contents. No way to determine if IDfield has been changed. Rewrite fails.
923 IERR_COD An internal error has occurred; similar to a catastrophic terr. Instead of terminating execution, IERR_COD is returned,sysiocod is set to a local code, and a message is written intoCTSTATUS.FCS.
924 SADM_ERR Only the super administrator user account (named ADMIN) can perform this operation. For example, only ADMIN can change ADMIN group membership.
925 SCMP_ERR The c-tree client is attempting to use features of the SECURITY API function that this c-tree Server does not support. Update your c-tree Server.
926 HLMT_ERR The transaction history log scan terminated because the user-specified limit on the number of logs to scan was reached.
927 PNST_ERR The instance number of a partition does not match the instance number maintained for the partition by the host file. Typically the instance number of a partition is increased only when it has been purged and then a new partition (with the same raw partition number) is created; or an individual partition member has been rebuilt through a call to PTADMIN.
928 PMRB_ERR Partitioned file rebuild did not successfully rebuild all partitions. See CTSTATUS.FCS for more details.
929 PRBL_ERR Partitioned file rebuild requires special support. Rebuilding the entire partitioned file requires ctPARTITION to be defined at compile time. Rebuilding an individual partition member may require ctPARTITIONinstnc to be defined at compile time, and the member rebuild must be initiated through PTADMIN().
930 PNSX_ERR Partition member instance # exceeds maximum of 255 for a non-huge partitioned file. Use RBLIFILX8 to rebuild the entire set of partitioned files.
931 PALL_ERR Could not rebuild only bad partitioned file components. Must rebuild entire partitioned file. Remove badpartIFIL from tfilno member of IFIL used in RBLIFILX8.
932 BMPW_ERR The specified encryption master password is incorrect.
933 ICOD_ERR An encryption operation failed due to an unexpected internal error. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
934 IICT_ERR Encountered IICT operations without ctFeatIICT enabled. (IICT stands for Immediate Independent Commit Transaction: a single ISAM update operation treated as a separate transaction within an existing, pending transaction.)
935 IICT_FIL File has already been updated within a transaction. Open the file with a different user file number and set IICT state with the new file number. Or, an add/rebuild index called for file previously placed in IICT state.
936 AREC_BUF Could not allocate a buffer for an augmented variable length record operation (e.g., ctCMPREC).
937 AREC_SUP Augmented record support not available (ctAUGREC /ctCMPREC)
938 AREC_DCM Could not decompress the data record. sysiocod set to Z_xyz_ERROR.
939 AREC_ISM Compressed record length files require ISAM update; not low-level update.
940 AREC_NOP Requested operation not supported for augmented records.
941-942 See 941-942, 960-962 Logon Error Codes.
943 TFLN_ERR c-tree does not support a rebuild or compact option that you specified in the IFIL's tfilno field.
944 AREC_MOD Bad augmented record file mode at create. For example, specifying ctAugmentedFxd without ctVLENGTH. Two of the conditions that return this error are:
Setting ctCompressRec in the XCREblk corresponding to an index file. It is only allowed for data files.
Setting ctCompressRec on a data file that is not variable-length (ctVLENGTH).
945 AREC_FXD Add/update varlen must match fixed length for file with ctAugmentedFxd specified at create.
946 CMPR_ERR Error setting up compressiion routines. Check sysiocod for details:
sysiocod Explanation
-------- ---------------------------------
1 Non-zlib compression requires DLL
2 Bad version number
3 Inconsistent attrstr/attrlen
4 DLL name Unicode conversion error
5 DLL load error
6->13 Function name Unicode conversion error
14->21 Failed to resolve function proc address
32 Type/version mismatch in FncInit()
33 Could not allocate attrval in FncInit()
34 attrlen disagreement in FncInit()
35 Could not initialize compress context in CmpInit()
36 Could not initialize decompress context in ExpInit()
37 Invalid attrstr contents found by FncInit()
38 Could not allocate dedicated attrstr in
1000+err where err is a DLL-specific unexpected error code
2000+err where err is a DLL-specific code related to corrupted
947 SMLO_ERR An internal error code returned by the shared memory communication protocol receive function for Unix systems when the receive for a logoff operation fails on the semaphore wait. This is a normal occurrence if the c-tree Server has removed the semaphore set before the client read the response. In this case the client side code returns success.
948 PMXS_ERR Operation on partition host cannot be performed if partition members already exist. Operation must be performed after the host is created, but before any partition members are created.
949 IEXS_ERR The request to start an IICT failed because an IICT is already active.
950 INON_ERR The request to end an IICT failed because no IICT is active.
951 IACT_ERR The request to commit the transaction failed because an IICTxtd is active. First commit or abort the IICTxtd. You may also abort the transaction, which first aborts the IICTxtd.
952 ENCK_ERR The current master encryption key's attributes are inconsistent with the master key used to encrypt the security resource of the specified file. For example, you might be using a 128-bit master key and are trying to read a file whose security resource was encrypted with a 256-bit master key.
953 QTOC_ERR A call to suspend a thread because of ctQUIET processing failed because the thread owned the file open/close semaphore.
954 NCMP_ERR Compacting a partitioned file is not supported.
955 DOTX_ERR Attempt to acquire internal mutex, ctpdotsema, out of order. Unexpected error, contact FairCom.
956 APND_ERR Partition member pending archive
957 DMAP_ERR This index file is already mapped to a different data file.
958 IMIS_ERR Data record is missing identity field value.
959 LSEV_ERR This c-tree client uses a different secure logon version than your c-tree Server. Update your c-tree client.
960-962 See 941-942, 960-962 Logon Error Codes.
963 LISM_ERR An attempt to close an ISAM data file with the low-level file close routine CLSFIL.
COMPATIBILITY CLSFIL_ISAM restores the old behavior when CLSFIL is called for an ISAM data file. For standalone applications, the CLSFIL behavior can be restored by compiling the code with NO_ctBEHAV_CLSFIL_ISAM.
964 SCNT_ERR Pre-image space overflow of image update count. Each update of a record location, within a single transaction, causes the pre-image update count to be incremented. Repeated update of the same record within the transaction eventually overflows the update count.
965 BCOD_ERR c-tree Server was not able to decrypt the buffer sent to it by the client. This is an unexpected error. Contact FairCom support.
966 BORD_ERR c-tree was compiled with the wrong byte order for this platform.
967 ULMT_ERR Logon is denied because this user account has reached its maximum number of concurrent logons.
968 GLMT_ERR Logon is denied because one of the groups for this user account has reached its maximum number of concurrent logons.
969 QTBK_THD Attempt to suspend the thread that invoked ctQUIET. Such a suspension would hang the server. sysiocod is set to the type of suspension request such as ctQTtranbeg; or to a negative cterrc.h entry such as LWRT_COD.
970 ISAM_MUSR_ERR The connection attempt has been rejected because it would exceed the maximum number of concurrent ISAM connections allowed.
971 SQL_MUSR_ERR The connection attempt has been rejected because it would exceed the maximum number of concurrent SQL connections allowed.
-972 PRTL_COD sysiocod is set to PRTL_COD if rebuild detects a partial record (or resource) at the end of a truncated data file. If the purgeIFIL option is used, a copy of the partial record is placed in a temporary file; the record is overwritten with 0xff bytes; and sysiocod is set to PRTL_FF.
If the record is successfully dumped to the temporary file, but there is a problem overwriting the partial record with 0xff bytes, sysiocod will be set to PRTL_COD not PRTL_FF.
Whether or not the purge option is used, CTSTATUS.FCScontains the byte offset and length of the partial record.
-973 PRTL_FF (Prior to V10.3, the values of PRTL_COD and PRTL_FF were ‑970 and ‑971 respectively.)
-974 LWRT_COD Attempt to write to log files when ctQTblockLogFiles is in force. (Prior to V10.3, the value of this error code was ‑972)
-975 FNOP_COD sysiocod value to indicate to caller of file open that the file is not already open. (Prior to V10.3, the value of this error code was ‑10)
-976 FNOR_COD sysiocod value to indicate to the caller of ctrcvopn81() thatFNOP_ERR occurred because the file is not on the dump recovery list. (Prior to V10.3, the value of this error code was ‑11)
977 XATO_ERR File create called with a segmax > 1 but without ctSEGAUTObit set in x8mode. segmax and x8mode are members ofXCREblk.
978 SHMP_ERR A shared memory connection could not be established because the system denied access to the client process. For example, if a client is run as a Windows service and c-tree Server is not run as a Windows service (or vice-versa),
Windows does not allow c-tree Server the access to the client process which is needed to establish the shared memory connection.
979 FLIC_ERR c-tree is not licensed to use this feature.
980 KEYX_ERR Secure key exchange failed. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
981 CDLL_ERR Could not load the specified DLL or shared library. SeeCTSTATUS.FCS for details.
982 CDLF_ERR Could not resolve the specified function name in the specified DLL or shared library. See CTSTATUS.FCS for details.
983 IICT_A3T Client/server mismatch on IICTxtd communications.
984 ALMT_ERR Logon is denied because the number of distinct user accounts that are allowed to be connected at one time has been reached.
985 LDRQ_ERR Logon is denied because this user account requires LDAP authentication, but c-tree Server has not enabled LDAP authentication.
986 UNKA_ERR The specified user account authentication type is invalid or not supported.
987 LRUB_ERR LRU scheme for index buffers did not find an available index buffer. Most likely caused by a low IDX_MEMORY.
-988 CLSF_COD Internal routine try_FBclsfile successfully closed a low-level index file during an ISAM file block.
-989 OPNF_COD Internal routine try_FBopnfile successfully re-opened a low-level index file during an ISAM file block.
990 DPRT_NSUP_ERR This operation is not supported for a dynamic partitioned file.
991 DPRT_NOMBR_ERR No partition members have been associated with this dynamic partition host file.
992 ALGN_ERR Client cannot correct difference between client alignment and the alignment of the data file on disk.
993 DPRT_DDIF_ERR The table, index, record, or field definitions of the partition member differ from those of the dynamic partition host file.
994 SCNV_ERR Server does not support server-side record image conversion.
995 VSSI_ERR Unable to initialize VSS writer support. The 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and later only support native VSS writers (64-bit systems only support a 64-bit VSS writer). SeeCTSTATUS.FCS for details.

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