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Selects the output type to be used by the QueryViewer control.


Card Data is displayed in a static Card which shows the query value, percentage, or both.
Chart Data is presented in a full range of specialized graphics. Upon selecting this option, the QueryViewer Chart Type property is added to the control's list of properties.
Default Depending on the query structure, data is displayed as: PIVOT TABLE, if there are elements with aggregations and items without aggregations at the same time, so as to make pivoting possible. TABLE, if all the items have aggregations or none of them has aggregations, so that displaying the data in a table is the only option that makes sense.
Map Data is presented as a map, if and only if a geographical axis is present (available since GeneXus 17 upgrade 4)
PivotTable Data is shown in a pivot table made up of rows, columns, filters, and data.
Table Data is displayed in a bi-dimensional matrix (rows and columns).


Controls: QueryViewer

See Also

QueryViewer Chart Type property
QueryViewer MapType property
Anatomy of a Pivot table

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