You can download a sample xpz and follow the steps in Quick Tour to generate a sample web application using Patterns in minutes !
- Install Patterns and execute it: Design Model / Tools / Patterns
- Configure the GeneXus Integration with the Model created in STEP 1, selecting the following options:
- Apply and Consolidate = Impact, Specify, Compile, Run
- Build Actions = Build All
- Specification = Force Generation
- Run Command = <The URL to be executed including the object to be executed>. E.g.http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/servlet/hwwdoctors
- Select Work With Pattern using the combo box in the toolbar
- Select all TRNs in KB Explorer Window
- Press the right button of the mouse and select Generate Instance File option. At this point the default instance files can be edited in the right pane.
- Configure "UpdateTransaction = Create default" for all instance files
- Save the instance files (Instance / Save All)
- The list of saved instance files can be seen in the Folder Explorer window (*.workwith)
- Select Build / Apply and Consolidate option
- Enjoy the Web Application !