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The EAR Deployment Wizard is an utility that allows to build an EAR (Enterprise Archive Resource) of your GeneXus EJB Application.

NOTE: As of GeneXus 15 Upgrade 5 the Application Deployment tool has to be used instead.


An EAR file represents a J2EE application that can be deployed in any J2EE server.
An EAR file consist in one or more web application modules, one or more EJB applications modules, and additional JAR files required by the application.
The EARs files generated by GeneXus only have one web application with all the servlets and static contents ,one EJB application with all the EJB defined, and all the JAR files required by the application.

The supported J2EE servers, where to install the EAR are the following:

  • JBoss (Tomcat 4) - Until Jboss Version 3.2.3
  • JBoss (Tomcat 5) - Since Jboss Version 3.2.6
  • J/Run 4.x
  • Oracle 9iAS
  • Sun One 7.x
  • Websphere 5.0 or higher
  • Weblogic


See below, under Examples Section, how to install an EAR in some of them.



Is neccesary to add the following files to your (genexus model) classpath: ant-nodeps.jar, ant-jakarta-bcel.jar, ant.jar and bcel-5.1.jar.
These files are distributed with the java Generator, and they are copied to your DataXXX\web model folder, so just specifying the name of the files will be enough to build your EAR.

Wizard Description

The EAR Deployment Wizard is called automatically from the Deployment Wizard, that is: F5/WinDeveloperMenu/Utilities/Deployment Wizard. If you select a main object, that includes calls to EJB procedures (directly or in its call browser tree), then the EAR Deployment will be loaded.

The following are the steps to build an EAR


  • Name: This is the enterprise application's name. A file called <Name>.ear will be created.
  • Description: This is the enterprise application's description
  • Server: The J2EE server to be used.
  • Additional Libraries: All the additional libraries to execute the applications must be added here; the most frequent case is the JDBC driver.




  • Web Application Name: This is the web application's name.
  • Web Context: The web context is used in the URL to call the servlets... ie: http://server/<web_context>/servlet/hmain
  • Additional Files: This is a directory structure (that is empty by default) and all the static contents required to execute the application can be added to this structure.




  • Use Custom Descriptor: When verifying this option it is possible to modify the default descriptor.
  • Get Default: It obtains the default descriptor again.
  • Validate: It validates the descriptor XML if it has been modified.




  • Name: This is the EJB application's name
  • Description: This is the EJB application's description


The grid shows all the ejbs objects to be added to the EAR.
All those EJBs that are called with SUBMIT, are checked as 'Message' and is obligatory. As well as the EJBs called with 'CALL' are checked as 'Session'. The user can add a certain EJB as a 'session' or 'message' in addition as the default option. For example, if there exists an external application that wants to call some of these Genexus EJBs as message, and in the KB there is no object that submits it, it can be checked for this goal.

Note that the ejb submitted cannot be unchecked as 'message' , as well as the called ejbs cannot been unchecked as 'session'. If the developer try it, an error message as follows will be given:





How to install an EAR in Wepsphere 5.0
How to install an EAR in JBoss x.x

See Also

Deployment Descriptor


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