06/21/2013 - Genexus X Evolution 2 Upgrade #3 has been released! (build 70721)
Thank you very much for your help testing its previews!!
See information about compatibility and new features of Genexus X Evolution 2 Upgrade #3 here
Preview #6 (Build 70721)
Released: 06/17/10
Login with twitter stopped working since Twitter does not support API v1 anymore
NullreferenceException related to Workwith Plus pattern
UserId() function didn't work in Ruby
minor fix to protection log
iOS: crash related to sdactions.gohome after login,
iOS: panel shown after login was always the main object
iOS: cancel button didn't work in some case related to low priority actions
Java: Business Component with Image/Audio/Video field couldn't be saved in runtime.
BPM: BP validation process performance improvement.
Preview #5 (Build 70481)
Released: 06/06/10
IDE: performance issues, memory leaks, GDI+ leaks and related crashes fixed. SAC 34277
Team Development: some properties (padding, margins, etc) were not set on commit / update
.NET Generator - 212 Not enough global stack generating web.config
License Manager: Upgrade license messages improved. New protection server available
Ruby:Drag & drop in component
iOS: fixes to Leaves and Sparkline controls
iOS: fix to BC Batch operations
Preview #4 (Build 70105)
Released: 05/27/2013
Support for Android SDK r22 added (patch for build performance ptimization can be found here <link>)
SAC 33809 Visible property in grid in VFP didn't work
Open of Query Object saved with previous version canceled with nullpointer exception
setup issue fixed (GAM Platforms dialog)
Preview #3 (Build 69875)
Released: 05/21/2013
Windows Azure deployment, only SDK v1.8 is supported
Error "Incorrect Install" when upgrading licenses
SAC# 33882 - Focus problems in prompts in Internet Explorer
fix related to formulas that include more than one expression
GAM - Description property of GAM API methods was empty
iOS: Crash related to pictures
Android: Due to memory optimization fixes, static images were being lost when refreshing grids.
Preview #2 (Build 69560)
Released: 05/10/2013
Protection Server 9.4.11 has a new "Upgrade Licenses" button that allows you to update X Evolution 2 licenses to X Evolution 2 Upgrade 3 licenses in one step
Web: Datepicker didn't work correctly in Chrome for Mac
Web: fix to validation issue in grids
Web: fix to focus handling after a POSTIDE: Access violation error when specifying (after reverting a version or importing and other cases)
Android: Logout button didn't show up in dashboard
Android: Upload Video didn't work in Android
iOS: fixed app crash with wheel control in insert
Spec: fix to a case related to spc0027
fix to datetime handling when Datetime Storage Timezone is GMT
SAC 34041 : picture of SDT fields in PDF Report
.NET Generator Reorganization program runs with framework 4 too, and in win64 or x86 platforms
Tools / Dataprovider Generator option has been discontinued
SAC 34197 - fix to connection handling in Java
Fix to GXflow login with GAM in Java
Preview #1 (Build 68440)
Released: 04/09/2013