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It is necessary to install all Windows 8 SDK Components?

No, only the Windows Software Development Kit is required.

Windows 8 SDK installation

I'm getting the message: "error: Access to the path 'resources.pri' is denied." when running (F5) the application


\Calculating Mobile Targets for SmartDevices (Smart Devices)

========== Win8 Execution started ==========
Creating appx package...
error: Access to the path 'resources.pri' is denied.
Win8 Execution Failed
Run MyApp Failed


Resource.pri file is locked from an external application. This could happen if the application is currently opened using Visual Studio.


Stop running the application using VS or close Visual Studio to release the lock.

The certificate used to sign the appx is not trusted by this computer. Please import it and try again.

When trying to run the application the following error appear:

error: The certificate used to sign the appx is not trusted by this computer. Please import it and try again
Win8 Execution Failed
Run MyDashboard Failed


Certificate was not installed.


Install the certificate as explained here: Windows 8 - Application certificate installation

Running the application (F5 from IDE) the following message appears: Win8 Execution Failed

The message is similar to:

========== Win8 Execution started ==========
error: A startup object must be selected
Win8 Execution Failed
Run Developer Menu Failed


No SD object was set as Startup Object.


Set a Main Object as startup object.

Windows 8 Application closes unexpectedly

When the application is run (F5) a debug file is generated. Check it for further info about the problem behind the app closure. File location is shown at GeneXus output window (e.g. "Dashboard log file will be generated at: 'C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Packages\Dashboard_6f78njyw3rst2\LocalState'")

Another way is to run the project using Visual Studio (Express Edition is supported). Project to be opened is under Win8 folder (e.g. C:\myKB\RubyModel\mobile\Win8\Dashboard1\Dashboard.jsproj)

Running the application (F5 from IDE) the following message appears: "Launching MyDashboard_6f78njyw3rst2!App...80070005: Access is denied."


Try removing the app from Win8 Desktop and running again

Running the application (F5 from IDE) the following message appears: "error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path1"


\========== Win8 Execution started ==========
Creating appx package...
error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1
Win8 Execution Failed
Run MyApp Failed


Windows 8 SDK is not installed.

Tip: Default folder installation is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0


Install Windows 8 SDK; please check Windows 8 Requirements.

Running the application (F5 from IDE) the following message appears: "Could not create appx package. Please check your logos and splash images dimensions."


Logos and splash images must have specific dimensions.


Check the images dimension set at your "main object" under Windows 8 specific section as shown below:

Windows 8 splash and logo image properties

Tip: by right-clicking on the property and using the "show description" option you can check the required dimension for each image.

Logo: 150x150
Wide Logo: 310x150
Small logo:30x30
Splash: 620x300

Running the application (F5 from IDE) the following message appears: "The certificate used to sign the appx is not trusted by this computer. Please import it and try again."


The first time a GeneXus-generated application is run on the PC, the following message is displayed: “The certificate used to sign the appx is not trusted by this computer. Please import it and try again.”

Explanation: It must be signed in order to run an application. GeneXus generates a “certificate file” (gxwin8dev.cer) to sign the generated applications; however, this “certificate” must be manually installed by the developer. Please follow Windows 8 - Application certificate installation in order to install it and try running the application after that.

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