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Genymotion is one of the fastest Android emulators, and we use it a lot when we prototype with GeneXus. Sometimes we need to run our applications remotely, for performance issues, virtualization issues, etc. Here its a tip to do this with Genymotion. For example, if you use GeneXus on a virtual machine, you could run your application on a Genymotion running on your PC. 

Follow this steps:

On the Genymotion machine:


  1. If you don't have a virtual device on Genymotion create one.  For example, I created a Nexus 4 emulator: i1_jpg

  2. On VirtualBox set the second net adapter of the device as Bridged Adapter:

  3. Turn on the device in the Genymotion console, and get the ip address:

  • When the device is running, go to: Settings, Wi-Fi, Select the connected Wi-Fi(WiredSSID): 

  • i4_jpg

  • Copy the IP address.


  1. Descargar e instalar Genymotion. Asegurarse de instalar también las Genymotion Shell que viene con el instalador:genymotion

  2. Descargar un emulador de Android en Genymotion (el que uno quiera)

  3. Antes de iniciar el emulador, en Genymotion ir a Settings/ADB.

    1. Luego seleccionar la opción “Use custom Android SDK tools” y dejar el campo “Android SDK” vacío (aunque deje el campo en rojo y de un warning)

  4. Iniciar el emulador. Saldrá un mensaje similar al siguiente: “ADB tool not found at the specified Android SDK location. Do you want to specify the Android SDK location?” y seleccionan la opción “NO”.

  5. Iniciar la aplicación Genymotion Shell y escribir el siguiente comando “devices list”. Se mostrará una grilla con los dispositivos instalados en Genymotion y si están activos o no. Para el emulador activo en cuestión, copiar el IP del mismo.

On GeneXus machine:

  1. Open a Command prompt windows
  2. Execute this line:

            <Android SDK dir>\platform-tools\adb.exe connect <IP Address>

          Where <Android SDK dir> is where you have installed your Android SDK, and <IP Address> is the one you copied on the step 3. 

If everything went ok, you should see something like this:


    3. Run the application from the IDE and that´s all!

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