1. Error User: 10
Error 78: There is already a registered user with this email, select another.
Make sure the Email account is correctly set. Otherwise, the previous error will occur during the user migration to GAM.
By default the GAM Repository identifies users by "Name and Email". You can change this policy using the User Identification property or change the Workflow user email and redo the operation.
This error is fixed as of GeneXus X Evolution 2 Upgrade 5. When an email address is already registered the email will be changed to {USER_Name}_{Num} and the migration process will end. See SAC 35462 for further details.
2. GAM to GXflow forced synchronization
When you delete the 'GXflow Public' role of a User from the GAM backend, the command line procedure 'apwfsynchronizegamusers' must be used in order to synchronize the changes in the GAM -> GXflow direction.
Be aware that the user cannot be deleted from the GXflow application if it has one or more assigned tasks, if you try to do so, the apwfsynchronizegamusers will return an error and will skip the operation.
GXflow - GAM Integration