A GXPortal Application can have many environments. By default it will have to basic environments:
The environments have the configuration required for GxPortal to find the application programs:
- Host (for example Localhost)
- Port (for example 80)
- VirtualDirectory (for example, the virtual directory as you specified it in your KB - "services" is the default one)
- Use https (yes/no)
- Programs Pack
- Programs Extension
To configure the environments you have to edit the application configuration: Configuration / Applications menu --Update Application -- Environments Tab
To run the different environments you have to choose PREVIEW in the Applications work with (Menu Configuration/Applications). The preview screen doesn't ask for the user login, so if your application doesn't have any content for anonymous users you need to do the proper settings so that once the application is started from the environments menu it will take you to the login page. To do this, you have to add a constrain for the UNKNOWN role in the PRESENTATION PAGE associated with the application. To do this go to Configuration/Roles and then choose Constraints for the role Unknown. Then choose the tab Pages and add there the presentation page used by the application.