Select the desired chart type.
100% stacked area |
100% stacked bar |
100% Stacked column |
100% stacked line |
Area |
Bar |
Circular gauge |
Column |
Column & Line |
Column 3D |
Column 3D & Line |
Doughnut |
Doughnut 3D |
Filled radar |
Funnel |
Line |
Linear gauge |
Pie |
Pie 3D |
Polar area |
Pyramid |
Radar |
Smooth area |
Smooth line |
Smooth timeline |
Sparkline |
Stacked area |
Stacked bar |
Stacked column |
Stacked column 3D |
Stacked line |
Step area |
Step line |
Step timeline |
Timeline |
Select the type of chart to be used in a Dashboard widget, the same values as the QueryViewer Chart Type property applies.
This property applies only at design-time.
This property is available since GeneXus 15 upgrade 12.
Objects: Dashboard
Dashboard widgets