Official Content

Note: This is part of GeneXus Cryptography Module.

Warning! Not all available stream encryptions and modes of operation are safe. Most of them are included for legacy integration compatibility. If you are planning to select an algorithm for a brand new application, choose wisely. Read the OWASP or NIST bibliography and recommendations if you are not certain about what to choose for your application.

SymmetricStreamAlgorithm Domain



HC128 was taken off the module since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 10 due to implementation issues of bouncy castle library.



SymmetricStreamCipher.DoEncrypt(symmetricStreamAlgorithm, key, iv, plainText)
  • Input symmetricStreamAlgorithm: SymmetricStreamAlgorithm Domain value
  • Input key: VarChar(256) hexadecimal
  • Input IV: VarChar(256) hexadecimal
  • Input plainText: VarChar(256) It uses UTF-8 by default unless CryptographyEncodingUtil is used.
  • Returns: VarChar(256) Base64 encoded

Encrypts the plain text with the given parameters using a stream cipher type.

Warning! Key values in this document are just examples; do not use them in your applications.


&plainText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
&key = "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"

&encrypted = &SymmetricStreamCipher.DoEncrypt(SymmetricStreamAlgorithm.RC4, &key, &IV, &plainText)


SymmetricStreamCipher.DoDecrypt(symmetricStreamAlgorithm, key, IV, encryptedInput)
  • Input symmetricStreamAlgorithm: SymmetricStreamAlgorithm Domain value
  • Input key: VarChar(256) hexadecimal
  • Input IV: VarChar(256) hexadecimal
  • Input encryptedInput: VarChar(256) Base64 encoded
  • Returns: VarChar(256) It uses UTF-8 by default unless CryptographyEncodingUtil is used.

Decrypts the encrypted input with the given parameters using a stream cipher type.

Warning! Key and nonce values in this document are just examples; do not use them in your applications.


&encrypted = "oxJY9ID8pMxQ3P0C39EY044K18gTSa3iMBg="
&plainText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
&key = "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"

&decrypted = &SymmetricStreamCipher.DoDecrypt(SymmetricStreamAlgorithm.RC4, &key, &encrypted)

Implementation - specific details

Algorithm Key Size (bits) IV Size (bits) 
RC4 1024 N/A
HC128 128 N/A
HC256 256 128 or 256
SALSA20 128 or 256  64
CHACHA20 128 or 256 64
XSALSA20 256 192
ISAAC 32 or 6144 N/A
VMPC 8 or 6144 up to 6144

Last update: November 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant