Gets the correct header to execute an HTTP call to a service using GAM.
GAM.GetAgentServiceHeader(in: GAMServiceTypesHeader, out: &HeaderName, out: &HeaderValue)
Is a domain which has the values {SmartDevice, STSOAuth}
&HeaderName and &HeaderValue
Are out parameters, which have to be used to call the service afterwards.
Depending on the security of the service, the header should be different. The purpose of this method is to get the correct one.
Consider the example of calling a service under the Security Token Service Client Authorization mechanism.
A client application (AppA) requests access to another application (AppB) - for example, to execute a service of this application.
After having asked for the access token, using the GetSTSAuthorizationAccessToken method of GAMRepository Object, you can ask for the correct headers before executing the service in AppB.
Note that in this example, the STSOauth value of GAMServiceTypesHeader domain is used.
GAM.GetAgentServiceHeader(GAMServiceTypesHeader.STSOauth, &HeaderName, &HeaderValue)
&StrCall = "http://localhost/ClientSTS2.NetEnvironment/rest/ProcRest_testSTS"
&httpClient.AddHeader(&HeaderName, &HeaderValue)
&httpClient.AddHeader(!"Authorization", &access_token)
&httpClient.AddVariable(!"client_id", &client_id)
&httpClient.Execute(!"POST", &StrCall)
&ResultHttpC = &httpClient.ToString()
Since GeneXus 16 upgrade 4