It is used to add optional values for token creation and validation.
Adds a standard registered claim value to the JWTOptions.
AddRegisteredClaim(registeredClaimkey, registeredClaimValue)
- Input registeredClaimkey: RegisteredClaim domain value
- Input registeredClaimValue: Character(100), if it is a Date use Posix NumericDate format as it is defined on the RFC
- Returns: Boolean, true if it was successfully added.
&result = &JWTOptions.AddRegisteredClaim(RegisteredClaim.iss, "GX SA")
Adds a standard public claim value to the JWTOptions.
AddPublicClaim(publicClaimkey, publicClaimDomain)
- Input publicClaimKey: Character(20)
- Input publicClaimDomain: VarChar(256)
- Returns: Boolean, true if it was successfully added.
&result = &JWTOptions.AddPublicClaim(&key, &Uri)
Adds a secret to be used to sign or verify the token with a symmetric algorithm.
- Input value: VarChar(256) Hexadecimal secret for symmetric algorithm
- Returns void
Adds a Registered Claim for time validation with tolerance in seconds.
AddCustomTimeValidationClaim(String registeredClaimKey, String value, String customTime)
- Input registeredClaimKey: RegisteredClaim domain value of time validation type (exp, nbf or iat).
- Input value: Character(100) Date with the specific format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.
- Input customTime: Character(100) time in seconds to define tolerance for claim validation.
- Returns: Boolean, true if it was successfully added.
&JWTOptions.AddCustomTimeValidationClaim(RegisteredClaim.iat, DateUtil.getCurrentDate(), "20")
Adds a private key to be used on the token signature using an asymmetric algorithm.
- Input privateKey: PrivateKey type value
- Returns void
Adds a public key to be used on the token verification using an asymmetric algorithm.
- Input certificate: Certificate type value
- Returns void
Adds a revocation list to be verified on token verification.
- Input revocationList: RevocationList type value
- Returns void
Deletes the revocation list contained in this instance of the JWTOptions.
This method is available since GeneXus 16 Upgrade 11
Generic method to add parameters to the token's header. It does not allow nested headers.
AddHeaderParameters(name, value)
- Input name. Character(100)
- Input value. Character(100)
- Returns void
&JWTOptions.AddHeaderParameter(&name, &value)
This method is available since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 4
Adds a public key to be used on the token signature using an asymmetric algorithm.
- Input publicKey: PublicKey type value
- Returns void