GXtest has some properties that can be used to customize how GXtest uses resources in GeneXus.
The file is Abstracta.GXtest.BL.dll.config and can be found in <GeneXusProgramDir>/Packages/. In case you want to edit its values, you must restart the IDE so that the changes take effect.
These properties are:
- version: used to check if the UITestSD external object must be updated
- UITestSD: the path to the XPZ file that contains the external object needed to execute UI tests for mobile applications
- testResultFileName: name for XML file that GXtest reads to show execution results.
- executionDataFileName: name for JSON file used by GXtest as execution parameter to runner object
- HTMLReportTemplate: path to HTML template report to be used when using the feature Export Results in the Test Results window
- gxtestModuleVersion: GXtest module version to use for this extension in this GeneXus installation (available since GXtest for GX16 U8). It uses the latest by default
- gxtestModuleId: GXtest module identifier
- applicationsRegistryKey: registry keys to search installed applications
- browsersMainRegistryKey: registry key to search for installed browsers
- browsersSecondaryRegistryKey: secondary registry key to search for installed browsers
- recorderExtensionURL: GXtest Recorder chrome extension URL to launch when using Recorder-IDE integration feature
- recorderHomeURL: home URL to navigate when launching the GXtest Recorder using Google Chrome
- recorderToken: token used to detect that the new script was sent from the GXtest Recorder to the GeneXus IDE
- testsModuleName: name of the module where the generated tests will be placed in
- webGenReadOnlyClasses: comma-separated class names that are read-only. Check Create Web UI Test command