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Here is the list of GeneXus MSBuild Tasks related to GeneXus Access Manager (GAM).

When MSBuild Tasks are used, the GeneXus.Tasks.targets and Genexus.GAM.Tasks.targets files have to be imported in the basic script file, adding the following line:

<Import Project="$(GX_PROGRAM_DIR)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />
<Import Project="$(GX_PROGRAM_DIR)\Genexus.GAM.Tasks.targets" />

Task List


This task can be used when you open or create a new Knowledge Base and set the GAM Options.




IncludeFrontendObjects: set this to True to import panels for login, change password, user registration form, etc. for your web application; otherwise, set it to False.

IncludeSDSamples: set this to True to import the mobile panels for login, change password, user registration form, etc. for your native mobile application; otherwise, set it to False.

UpdateMode: this property specifies how the GAM objects that were imported will be updated when you change your GeneXus version. The possible values are:

never: the GAM objects will not be imported when you change the GeneXus version.

always: the GAM objects will always be imported when you change the GeneXus version.

prompt: the GeneXus IDE will ask you if you want to update the GAM objects when you change the GeneXus version.


Suppose you have the following target in a file located under C:\temp:

<Project DefaultTargets="Open" xmlns="">

  <Import Project="$(GX_PROGRAM_DIR)\Genexus.Tasks.targets" />

  <Import Project="$(GX_PROGRAM_DIR)\Genexus.GAM.Tasks.targets" />

  <PropertyGroup> <!--Input Parameters-->



  <Target Name="Open">

    <OpenKnowledgeBase Directory="$(WorkingDirectory)" />


  <Target Name="CheckSetGetGAMOptions" DependsOnTargets="SetGAMProperties;CheckGAMOptions"/>

  <Target Name="SetGAMProperties" DependsOnTargets="Open" >








This script opens a Knowledge Base and sets the GAM options; you can run this by command line:

msbuild "c:\temp\test.msbuild" /t:CheckSetGetGAMOptions /p:WorkingDirectory="<KB directory>" /p:IncludeFrontEnd=true /p:IncludeSDSamples=true /p:UpdateMode=never /p:GX_PROGRAM_DIR=<GeneXus installation directory>


This task can be used when you open a new Knowledge Base and get the values for the GAM Options described in the previous task.


              <Output TaskParameter="IncludeFrontendObjects" PropertyName="GAMIncludeFrontend"/>
              <Output TaskParameter="IncludeSDSamples" PropertyName="GAMIncludeSD"/>
              <Output TaskParameter="UpdateMode" PropertyName="GAMUpdateMode"/>


<Target Name="CheckGAMOptions" DependsOnTargets="Open" >
              <Output TaskParameter="IncludeFrontendObjects" PropertyName="GAMIncludeFrontend"/>
              <Output TaskParameter="IncludeSDSamples" PropertyName="GAMIncludeSD"/>
              <Output TaskParameter="UpdateMode" PropertyName="GAMUpdateMode"/>

          <Message Text="GAM option IncludeFrontendObjects: '$(GAMIncludeFrontend)'" />
          <Message Text="GAM option IncludeSDSamples: '$(GAMIncludeSD)'" />
          <Message Text="GAM option UpdateMode: '$(GAMUpdateMode)'" />

          <Error Condition="$(GAMIncludeFrontend) != $(IncludeFrontEnd)" Text="GAM option IncludeFrontendObjects should be $(IncludeFrontEnd), found '$(GAMIncludeFrontend)'" />
          <Error Condition="$(GAMIncludeSD) != $(IncludeSDSamples)" Text="GAM option IncludeSDSamples should be $(IncludeSDSamples), found '$(GAMIncludeSD)'" />
          <Error Condition="'$(GAMUpdateMode)' != $(UpdateMode)" Text="GAM option UpdateMode should be $(UpdateMode), found '$(GAMUpdateMode)'" />


This feature is available since GeneXus 16 Upgrade 11.

Last update: February 2025 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant