If you need to save all the screenshots of the takeScreenshot command in the different executions of the same test, this article provides a possible solution.
As a possible solution, we propose that the UI test creates a folder with the name of the test execution date and saves the screenshots in that folder with a unique name of "date_hour". This way the captures will not be replaced.
The following code is the UI test code which it will code two auxiliary procedures written below:
// UI test with takeScreenShot command implementation
//Start webdriver
//Folder creation to save screenshots
&absFolderName = folderCreation()
//First screenshot
&ScreenshotFile.Source = &absFolderName + "\" + screenShotName()
&driver.takeScreenshot(&ScreenshotFile.GetAbsoluteName(), 0)
//Second screenshot
&ScreenshotFile.Source = &absFolderName + "\" + screenShotName()
&driver.takeScreenshot(&ScreenshotFile.GetAbsoluteName(), 0)
//End webdriver
The following code is the folderCreation() procedure implementation:
// folderCreation auxiliar procedure implementation
&now = now()
//convert now variable to string
&nowVar = &now.ToFormattedString()
/*to convert nowVar in folder Name
i.e. &nowVar=11/02/2020 10:46:13 AM --> &folderName="11-02-2020"
&pattern = "\b(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{2,4})\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s(AM|PM)\b"
&folderName = &nowVar.ReplaceRegEx(&pattern, "$1$2$3")
//folder creation in c:\
&ScreenshotDirectory.Source = "c:\GXtestScreenshots"
//&folderName folder creation
&ScreenshotDirectory.Source = &ScreenshotDirectory.GetAbsoluteName() + "\" + &folderName
//to save and to return the folder path in which the screenshots will be saved
&absFolderName = &ScreenshotDirectory.GetAbsoluteName()
The following code is the screenShotNow() procedure implementation:
// screenShotName auxiliar procedure implementation
&now = now()
//convert now variable to srting
&nowVar = &now.ToFormattedString()
/*to save and to return part of the screenshort name in the variable &screenShotName
i.e. &nowVar=11/02/2020 10:46:13 AM --> &screenShotName="11022020_104613"
&pattern = "\b(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{2,4})\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s(AM|PM)\b"
&screenShotName = &nowVar.ReplaceRegEx(&pattern, "$1$2$3_$4$5$6") + ".png"