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The purpose of this article is to explain the necessary steps to create an Azure function app. 
The supported versions are NET 8 and Java 8, 11, and 17.

Highlighted note

In case of Java do not compile the GeneXus application using a Java version greater than the one configured at the Function App.
Otherwise, the application will throw an error and will end with a Timeout exception.

Step 1

Create a new resource in the Azure portal.


Step 2

Select Function App:


Step 3

Complete the required data:

  • Function App name
  • Resource Group
  • Runtime Stack
    • .Net6 prior to GeneXus 18 upgrade 7.
    • .Net 8 for versions greater or equal to GeneXus 18 upgrade 7
    • Java 8. 11 or 17 por Genexus 18 upgrade 12

Step 4

Select the Operating System (it can be any of them Windows, or Linux) in the "Hosting" tab.


Step 5

After going through the following tabs, just press the "create" button, and the following message will be displayed:


Note: Check the configuration of the function. They have to be Function Extensions Version = 4, and Functions Worker Runtime = dotnet-isolated for NET applications


Creating a function app using the Azure CLI

As explained in the Azure doc, you can create the Function app using commands, for example (using NET):

az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location $location
az storage account create --name $storageAccountName --location $location --resource-group $resourceGroupName --sku Standard_LRS
az functionapp create --name $functionName --storage-account $storageAccountName --consumption-plan-location $region --resource-group $resourceGroupName  --os-type Linux --runtime dotnet-isolated --functions-version 4


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