Official Content

Basically, it can be divided into 3 writing styles:


The format is completely compatible with a CSS style sheet.

Although it is not the optimal way to use it, it allows you to paste a CSS directly there and use it as the style sheet of the design system for Web applications.

Styles My_Style
       background-color: #fafafb;
       border-radius: 0px;
       border-width: 1px;
       font-size: 16px;


There are those who argue that in a design system, all the values of the decisions should be Tokens. In this writing style, the property values are completely parameterized with Tokens.

Styles My_Style
      background-color: $color.background; 
      border-radius: $; 
      border-width: $border.thin; 
      font-size: $fontSizes.small; 

For this, you first have to define the corresponding Tokens.


This way of defining styles takes advantage of both previous possibilities by creating a hybrid sheet, where some properties are parameterized with Tokens while others simply have a fixed value.

Styles My_Style
      background-color: #fafafb;
      border-radius: $;
      border-width: 1px;
      font-size: $fontSizes.small;

See Also

Design System Styles

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