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After generating the sources of the application, you may deploy the generated sources to Git, compile/package and then deploy the packages to Azure Artifacts, or compile/package and deploy to the target environment.

Deploy Sources to Git-based Repo

You could extend GeneXus and create your own ‘Deployment target’ for deploying sources. 

This part of GeneXus is extensible, and in the genexuslabs space there are other deployment targets provided as open source so that you can create your own: 

Package and Deploy App to Azure Artifacts

Use Application Deployment MSBuild tasks

Note: For this, use the same options as described in the section ‘Package and Deploy App to Target Environment’, but select ‘OnlyPackage’.

In this way, you get the package.

Next, you can upload it to Azure Artifacts, and to do so you could also create your own Deployment Target.

Package and Deploy App to Target Environment

If you package and deploy an Angular App and a .NET Backend:

If you package and deploy a .NET Web app or Web Service to Azure Web App:

Other options (Functions triggered by Service Bus, HTTP, etc, ): Application Deployment tool

Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant