Modifies the default read-only behavior of variables in Transaction objects, allowing the user to enter a value for that variable.
Accept(&var [ , att ] );
Is the variable defined in the Transaction object and included in the screen to accept a value. It could be an SDT variable and in this case just writing Accept(&var) is enough to enable all the SDT elements.
Is an optional attribute that you can mention, to help to determine in which Transaction level the variable must be considered. If att is not specified, then the first level is assumed.
Objects: Transaction
Generators: .NET,
.NET Framework,
Java, RPG, Cobol, Ruby (up to GeneXus X Evolution 3), Visual FoxPro (up to GeneXus X Evolution 3)
This server rule allows you to accept a variable at the Transaction level where the Attribute att is found. The order in which data is entered for a certain level depends on the order in which the variables and attributes have been positioned on the screen. If att is not specified then the first level is assumed.
Customer rules:
PrintTicket(CustomerPassportNum) if &Print='Y';