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To take place when the user clicks the left button over a control. 

In the case of Web Forms, the event is implemented for the following type of controls: Bitmap, Textblock, Dynamic Combo Box, Combo Box, Sections, and tables (both responsive and common tables).


  • In web Forms in combo type controls, the event is executed when changing the value contained in the control. (Use ControlValueChanged event instead for this purpose)
  • In web Forms where you have the link property defined on a text block type control apart from the click event, the results can be unpredictable (you can execute the event or take into account the property according to the generator and the version). In any other case, it is not recommended to have both programmed at once.
  • In the case of tables, if the click event is implemented for two or more nested tables, and the inner table is clicked, only the event of that table is executed (not of its containers).


If the attrribute/variable has an associated event, the pointer cursor is configured as 'pointer' (typically an image of a pointing hand).

If the attrribute/variable does not have an associated event, the default cursor is set (standard arrow).

In those cases where the control is disabled:

  • The abstract form sets the not-allowed cursor.
  • The HTML form uses the default cursor.


Event &Country.Click
    For each 
        Where CountryCod = &Country 
EndEvent  // &Country.Click

In this example, when choosing an option of the 'Country' combo, (as long as the selected value is different from the pre-existing one) its click event is executed by loading the cities that correspond to the selected country in the city combo.


Objects Transaction object, Web Panel object
Controls Check boxes, Column, Combo boxes, Dynamic combo boxes, Dynamic list boxes, Edits, Image, List boxes, Textblocks, Tables, Sections
Languages .NET, Java

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