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Runs an executable on the Operating System.


&ret = Shell(‘program.exe, [Modal][RedirectOutput])


    Is a Numeric optional parameter. It indicates whether to wait for the launched program to finish or to continue executing it.

    If you pass:
  • 0: The call will be non-modal. This means that the caller program will continue the execution immediately after performing the call, without waiting for the called program to finish.
  • 1: The call will be modal. This means that the caller program will wait until the caller program finishes to return to the execution.

    If you don’t specify any value, 0 is assumed by default.

  Is a Numeric optional parameter. It indicates whether to redirect the output of the launched program to the console window. It only applies when Modal=1.

  If you pass:

  • 0: The process output won't be printed in the console window.
  • 1: The process output will be printed in the console window.

   If you don’t specify any value, 0 is assumed by default.

Type Returned:


Objects: Procedure, Transaction, Web Panel, Data Provider
Generators: .NET, .NET Framework,Java


If the Shell function executes the program successfully, it returns 0 (zero). Otherwise, it returns a number other than 0, depending on the error.

When using the Java generator, you make an EXECUTE that should work on any environment provided that the file is executable.

If a number other than 0 is returned, the function returns the ExitCode of the process that is sent to run. For example, &ret = shell ("process.exe",1) returns the exit code that returns process.exe. Except for Modal=0 when it doesn't get the ExitCode (it will be zero) because once the associated process is successfully launched, the shell function returns control without waiting for the process to exit.


  • In a Web environment, the process is executed without user interfaces and with the same security permissions as the web application. 
  • In Java web applications, the process is executed in Tomcat's root directory.
  • Since GeneXus 16 Upgrade 2, you must include the GXClasses.Win.dll file manually in your deployment when using this function. See SAC#44468.

To use this function, the Standard Functions property must be set with the “Allows non-standard functions” value.

It is possible to pass parameters when executing a program with the Shell function. For example:

&ret = shell('program.exe "C:\My Documents\filename.txt"') 

If the directory of the executable or the parameters has white spaces, it has to be delimited by " ". For example:

&ret = shell('"C:\Program Files\MyProgram.exe" Par1 Par2')

Security Tips     

If this function is used, sanitizing external user inputs is a must. 

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