Official Content
  • This documentation is valid for:

The minimum and recommended specifications for the trial version of GeneXus 18 are listed below. While minimum specifications will allow you to run the trial version, recommended specifications will ensure the best experience.

Hardware Requirements

* Processor: minimum of 1 GHz (multi-core recommended).
* Memory: minimum of 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended; 16 GB recommended to generate Android applications).
* Hard disk: minimum of 1.2 GB of disk space for the installation. To generate applications you will need additional space or a shared disk unit to create the Knowledge Bases, and generate the code.

Software Requirements

* Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1, 4.7.2 or 4.8 (Check its requirements here).
*Apache Maven 3.6.1 or higher(1)
*Only when using Windows 10 or prior: Microsoft Internet Explorer(2)
*.NET SDK 6(3)
*You need to have NuGet enabled.
To determine if NuGet is enabled, run from the command line: 

   dotnet nuget list source

If it is disabled, execute:

   dotnet nuget enable source

(1) - Only for installing or distributing modules.
(2) - Internet Explorer base libraries (MSHTML) are used for the HTML Editor in design time. These base libraries are installed in Windows 10 or prior versions as part of the Internet Explorer feature and are part of Windows 11 ref..
(3) - As long as your Knowledge Base has a Query object or a Dashboard object.

Generation requirements:

The system must also meet the following requirements for generators, not provided by the setup process. Developers who do not wish to install/use Native Mobile or Angular generators can disregard the requirements for those generators.



Angular * Angular Generator requirements

Native Mobile

* Apple Requirements
* Android Requirements

Note: Applications are automatically generated with the GeneXus .NET Generator, optionally also for Angular and Native Mobile, and deployed to the prototyping server provided by GeneXus. An internet connection is required to build and deploy the apps. (Applications built using the full version can also be generated for other languages and platforms, built with no internet connection, and deployed anywhere).

Supported Internet Browsers

For the front end created with the .NET generator:

Browser Minimum Version with Restrictions(1) Minimum Version(2) Recommended Version(3)
Mozilla Firefox 97 Current - 1, ESR(4) Current, ESR(4)
Google Chrome 99 Current - 1 Current
Safari 15.4 Current - 1 Current
Microsoft Edge 99 Current - 1 Current
Others Check footnotes (1)(2)(3)(4)

(1) - Web applications require Browsers with CSS Cascade Layers support. Also, native mobile apps that load those web applications using Component domain (Webview), require devices with the corresponding browser version or an up-to-date base software.
The following is a detailed list of browsers that support this feature Note that on Apple devices, iOS 15.4 or higher is required. Furthermore, Android devices require an updated Android System Webview as stated in on
(2) - If Server.Socket external object, ProgressIndicator external object, Responsive Web Design (RWD) features are used these are the minimum supported versions.
As the generated web front end is, in many of its functionalities, based on jQuery 3.5.1, Browser support is mainly tied to
(3) - In all cases, the latest available browser version is recommended, primarily because of improvements related to performance and security.
(4) - Refer to for ESR meaning.

For the front end created with Angular generator:

Browsers must support the es6-module. The following is a detailed list of browsers that support this feature

More information: Angular Generator Browser Support.

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Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant