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The Progress external object enables you to give a feedback to the end-user about the progress of a batch process that is being executed.

Progressexternalobject-Location_png Progress external object - Definition


Class property

To assign a Theme-class to the control.

Type property

The Progress Indicator can be determinate (Type=1) or indeterminate (Type=0). Determinate indicators show the progress of the processing, while indeterminate ones don't inform you about the status during the process. There is an enumerated domain for this purpose (ProgressIndicatorType).

Title property

Main text that is shown on the progress Indicator.

Description property

More information is shown on the progress indicator screen.

MaxValue property

This property is used when the Type is Determinate. This property specifies the value for the task completion.

Value property

When the determinate type is used, this value is the current percentage of the processing task.


Show method

Invokes the progress Indicator screen.

Return value  None
Parameters None

ShowWithTitle method

Invokes the progress Indicator with a custom title.

Return value  None
Parameters title:Character(255)


Invokes the progress indicator with a custom title and description.

Return value  None
Parameters title:Character(255), description:Character(255)

Hide method

Closes the Progress Indicator screen.

Return value  None
Parameters None

Smart Devices
When a Progress Indicator is shown inside a composite block, an implicit call to the Hide method is automatically added at the end of the event. This is required since the composite block may be canceled by any failing action, and then the Progress must be automatically hidden. Anyway, it is recommended to always add the call to the Hide method to dismiss the Progress where it should be dismissed (according to the application logic).
Note that this implicit call to the Hide() method is not added when the Progress is shown from generated code (like when shown from an Offline Procedure).


It does not have any.


Objects Web Panel object, Procedure object, Work With pattern and Work With objectPanel object
Platforms  Web(.NET,Java), SmartDevices(Android,iOS)
Connectivity  Online, Offline


The progress indicator for web applications has the same requirements as the Server.Socket external object because they both use web sockets. See Progress Indicator requirements for Web.

See also

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