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BI Web Services


The methods available are grouped in the following categories:

Session Administration

Services required to establish a session with the engines.

It allows starting a session with the server. First Web Service that must be always called to start a session with the server.

void StartSession (in: Character userName, in: Character userPassword, out :GXBISession session, out: GXBIStatus status )


userName User Name.
userPassword User Password.
session Session information.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It closes a session previously established with the server. If there is an open metadata it closes it.

void CloseSession (in: GXBISession session, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session Information.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

Users Administration

Users administration in the catalog.

It allows obtaining information of the user whose name is userName from the users collection of the catalog.

void GetUser (in: GXBISession session, in: Character userName, out: GXBIUser user, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session Information.
userName User name.
user SDT with the user information.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains the users collection from the catalog.

void GetUserCollection (in: GXBISession session, out: ArrayOfGXBIUser userCollection, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
userCollection User collection.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

Working with Metadatas

Access to a catalog metadatas.

It allows obtaining information of the metadata whose name is metadataName from the metadatas collection of the catalog.

void GetMetadata (in: GXBISession session, in: Character metadataName, out: GXBIMetadata metadata, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
metadataName Metadata name.
metadata Returned metadata.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains the metadatas collection from the catalog.

void GetMetadataCollection (in: GXBISession session, out: ArrayOfGXBIMetadata metadataCollection, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
metadataCollection Metadata collection.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It opens the metadata whose name is metadataName. It is worth mentioning that if you work with entities depending on a metadata (measures, dimensions, attributes, queries), you must always open the metadata previously using this method.

void OpenMetadata (in: GXBISession session, in: Character metadataName, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
metadataName Metadata name.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It closes the connection to the metadata previously opened.

void CloseMetadata (in: GXBISession session, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

Working with catalogued queries

Administration of catalogued queries of a metadata.

It obtains the queries collection.

void GetQueryCollection (in: GXBISession session, in: Numeric onlyOwnerQueries, out: ArrayOfGXBIQuery queryCollection, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.

It details if the queries to be brought are only the queries created by the user or all the queries over which the user has rights.
 0: all the queries over which the user has rights.
 1: only the queries created by the user.

queryCollection User queries collection.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains information about a query.

void GetQuery (in: GXBISession session, in: Character queryName, out :GXBIQuery query, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
queryName Query name.
query Returned catalogued query.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It Opens and Executes a query using the open session.

void GetQueryData (in: GXBISession session, in: Character queryName, in: ArrayOfGXBIParameter parameterCollection, in: ArrayOfGXBIProperty serviceProperties, out: Character specificResult, out: Character xmlData, out: GXBIQuery query, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
queryName Query name.
parameterCollection Parameters collection.
serviceProperties Properties collection, check the GXBIProperty data types for supported properties.
specificResult Specific execution result that depends on the queryFormat parameter.
xmlData XML with the query execution data.
query Query object with the executed query data.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It executes a query and returns the HTML to be embedded in any Web application or an URL reference to the executed query
There is no need to establish a session with the engine previously.

Character GetQueryHtmlData (in: Character userName, in: Character userPassword, in: Character metadataName, in: Character queryName, in: ArrayOfGXBIParameter parameterCollection, in: ArrayOfGXBIProperty serviceProperties, out: GXBIStatus status )


userName User name.
userPassword User password.
metadataName Metadata name.
queryName Query name.
parameterCollection Parameters collection.
serviceProperties Properties collection, check the GXBIProperty data types for supported properties.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It closes a previously opened query. A query remains open after calling GetQueryData

void CloseQuery (in: GXBISession session, in: Numeric queryId, out : GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
queryId Internal identifier returned by GetQueryData.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It saves a previously opened query. A query remains open after calling GetQueryData

void SaveQuery (in: GXBISession session, in: Numeric queryId, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
queryId Extension identifier returned by GetQueryData.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

Work with Dimensions, Measures and Attributes

Administration of Business Elements (Dimensions, Measures and Attributes) of a metadata.

It obtains a Business Elements collection.

void GetBusinessElementCollection (in: GXBISession session, in: Character businessElementType, out: ArrayOfGXBIBusinessElement businessElementCollection, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
businessElementType Indicates the type of Business Element; it can take some of the following values:
Depending on the value of businessElementType, one of the following collections is respectively returned: Measures, Dimensions or Attributes.
businessElementCollection Business Elements collection of businessElementType.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains information of a Business Element whose name is businessElementName.

void GetBusinessElement (in: GXBISession session, in: Character businessElementName, out: GXBIBusinessElement businessElement, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
businessElementName Business Element name.
businessElement Returned Business Element.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains the values collection for the Business Element whose name is businessElementName.

void GetBusinessElementValueCollection (in: GXBISession session, in: Character businessElementName, in: Character valuesLike, in: Numeric notLike, out :ArrayOfGXBIValue values, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
businessElementName Business Element name.
valuesLike Filter pattern to constrain the returned values. We recommend using the ?%? character together with the pattern. If the parameter is notlike = 1, all values are brought. If the parameter is notlike = 0, only those values matching the valueslike parameter are brought.
notLike Return the values that match a specific pattern (valueslike) or not. Possible values:
 0: Matching values (default).
: not matching values.
values Values Collection (ArrayOfGXBIValue).
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains the Business Elements collection related to the parameter. I.e.: depending on the element, it may obtain the dimensions by which a measure is analyzable and vice versa. The same concept applies for the attributes paradigm.

void GetRelatedBusinessElementCollection (in: GXBISession session, in: Character businessElementName, out: ArrayOfGXBIBusinessElement businessElementCollection, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
businessElementName Business Element name.
businessElementCollection Business Elements Collection of businessElementType type related to the businessElementName.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It evaluates the Business Element whose name is businessElementName applying the filters specified in the filterCollection filter objects collection.

void EvalBusinessElement (in: GXBISession session, in: Character businessElementName, in: ArrayOfGXBIFilter filterCollection, out :Character result, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
businessElementName Business Element name.
filterCollection Filters collection to be applied on businessElementName Business Element.
result Evaluation result.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains the collection of Business Elements over which the user has rights whose name is userName.

void GetUserBusinessElementCollection (in: GXBISession session, in: Character userName, in: Character businessElementType, out: ArrayOfGXBIBusinessElement businessElementCollection, GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
userName User name.
businessElementType Indicates the Business Element type (Measure, Dimension, Attribute). Depending on the value of businessElementType, one of the following collections is respectively returned: Measures Dimensions or Attributes.
businessElementCollection Collection of Business Elements of businessElementType type over which the user whose name is userName has rights.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It updates a Business Element. You can only modify the Description and whether it is available for the end user or not.

void SetBusinessElement (in: GXBISession session, in: GXBIBusinessElement businessElement, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
businessElement Business Element to modify.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains a Business Element constraints collection (without its values if the constraint is partial).

void GetValuesRestrictionCollection (in: GXBISession session, in: Character userName, in: Character attributeOrGroupName, out: ArrayOfGXBIValuesRestriction valuesRestrictionCollection, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
userName User name.
attributeOrGroupName Business Element group or name.
valuesRestrictionCollection Constraints collection.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It obtains a constraint with its collection of values for the Business Element parameter (with its values if the constraint is partial).

void GetValuesRestriction (in: GXBISession session, in: Character userName, in: Character businessElementRestrictedName, in: Character restrictedByBusinessElementName, out: GXBIValuesRestriction valuesRestrictionCollection, out: GXBIStatus status)


session Session information.
userName User name.
businessElementRestrictedName Business Element name.
restrictedByBusinessElementName Name of the constrained Business Element.
valuesRestrictionCollection Constraints collection.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It creates an Extensible Entity.

void CreateExtensibleEntity (in: GXBISession session, in: Character extensibleEntityName, in: Character extensibleEntityDescription, in:
Character extensibleEntityKey, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
extensibleEntityName Extensible Entity name.
extensibleEntityDescription Extensible Entity description.
extensibleEntityKey Primary key identifying the table associated to the Extensible Entity. If it is a compound key, you must separate it with a colon. For example, suppose you have to extend a table with a (CompanyId,CustomerId) compound primpary key; the associated extensibleEntityKey value is "CompanyId,CustomerId".
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

It creates a user defined attribute.

void CreateUserDefinedAttribute ( in: GXBISession session, in: Character extensibleEntityName, in: GXBIUda userDefinedAttribute, out: GXBIStatus status )


session Session information.
extensibleEntityName Extensible Entity name.
userDefinedAttribute User defined attribute.
status Details whether the service was correctly executed. The Error field must be checked out.

For more information about User Defined Attributes, click here.


It checks out whether the web services interfaces work property. We recommend using it in case of troubleshooting.

void ConnectionTest ( in: Numeric executeSeccondLayerService, out: Character text )


executeSeccondLayerService It specified the check out level.
 0: it checks out the initial layer.
 1: it checks out all the implementation layers.

It details whether the service was properly executed or not. The expected return is the following:

|GXBI Services (Version 6.0).|Web Service First Layer succeeded.||Web Service Second Layer succeeded. (GXBILayer)||Web Service Second Layer succeeded. (GXBIServer) Version: 6.0 BuildNumber: BuildNumber|

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