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The purpose of this article is to explain how to configure permissions over Transaction objects modes so that only authorized users can view the data (by executing the Transaction in Display mode) or Insert, Update, or Delete data by executing the Transaction in the corresponding modes.

How to do it

GAM defines automatic permissions to execute the Transaction (in Display mode) and one permission for each mode: Insert, Update or Delete.

The names of the permissions are determined from the Permission Prefix property value set at the Transaction level (see Figure 1).

In runtime, these permissions are checked automatically and the GeneXus user just needs to declare the Permission Access Type in the GAM Web Backoffice.

The process at execution time consists of validating if the user has the rights to execute the Transaction object. In this case, GAM checks that the user has a <prefix>_execute permission (where prefix is the Permission Prefix property defined for the Transaction). So, the <prefix>_execute permission enables the user to display the data of the Transaction (Display mode).

If the user executes an action over the Transaction (Insert, Update or Delete) another permission will be required:

  • <prefix>_Insert
  • <prefix>_Update
  • <prefix>_Delete

In fact, there is a permission that "groups" the other permissions (see Full Control Permissions for more details):

  •     <prefix>_Execute
  •     <prefix>_Insert
  •     <prefix>_Update
  •     <prefix>_Delete


Suppose you have a "Product" Transaction object, where some users will have access rights to execute it, but not to insert, update, or delete data.

Just follow these steps:

Step 1

Check the following properties values:

permission prefix property of web transaction - sample
Figure 1.

Step 2

Define a role where the permissions mentioned above are specified with their corresponding Permission Access Type.

role permissions - sample how to give permissions on modes of trns
Figure 2.

Step 3

The users need to be associated with the role created.

role of user - sample permissions on transaction modes
Figure 3.

In this example, the WW pattern has been applied to the Product Transaction.

The user associated with the role previously defined, will be able to execute the WWPproduct Web Panel, and select products from the list in order to view the data.

When the user tries to update or delete an existing product, or insert a new product, the Not Authorized Object for Web object will be called, as seen in the following figures (if the Transaction does not receive KEY and Mode as parameters, the permission error is shown using the Error Viewer).

wwproduct sample permission modes on transactions
Figure 4.
viewproduct sample permission modes on transactions
Figure 5.
permission denied product transaction update
Figure 6.

See Also

GAM - Permissions
Full Control Permissions and inheritance
GAM Roles
GAM Authorization Scenarios

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