Indicates if GeneXus must infer the structure of the SDT (Structured Data Type) and create it by analyzing the structure declared in the Data Provider source.
Yes, if SDT is dynamic | If the SDT set in the Output property –Dynamic Structure property– is set to True, the structure of the SDT is inferred from the Data Provider structure. |
No | No SDT is inferred. This is the default value. |
Objects: Data Provider
If you declare a structure manually in the source of a Data Provider object and set the Data Provider Infer Structure property to "Yes, if SDT is dynamic", you are indicating that GeneXus must automatically create a Structured Data Type (SDT) object with the structure inferred from the Data Provider source.
Also, GeneXus will complete the Data Provider Output property with the name of the new SDT.
This property applies only at design time.
Suppose you define the following in the source of a Data Provider object:
CustomerId = ...
CustomerName = ...
CustomerBirthDate = ...
When you set the Infer Structure property to "Yes, if SDT is dynamic", the following SDT will be automatically created:
Note that the Data Provider Output property is automatically set with the name of the created SDT. In addition, every time that the Data Provider is saved, the SDT structure will be inferred.
HowTo: Use the Infer Structure property of a Data Provider
Structured Data Type