GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 2 previews are part of the releasing process of Upgrade 2. They are intended to round up Upgrade 2 and facilitate adoption once released.
Refer to GeneXus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 2
- fix: Web: Field XXX is out of range related to combo box variables (readonly or with empty item and Value Range property set)
- fix: iOS 8: fixes related to "More..." tab
- fix: iOS: fix app crash when selecting image
- fix: Java Web, Smooth: fix related to Date field bound to Business Component in grid
- fix: Java Web: http 403 forbidden in GAM and Flow due to JSON serialization problems of Date fields
- fix: GXserver: fix related to locks handling.
- fix: build error when only the offline database was required to be built
- fix: java: / jscript: date serialization issue fixed
- fix: validation balloon didn't show up correctly after 2nd validation
- fix: iOS: Fix tap over phone domain was not cancelable in iOS < 8 on iPhone
- fix: .NET System.IndexOutOfRangeException in border case of substring function
- fix: Java: SAC 37001 related to tostring of time fields
- fix: GXserver: SAC 28438 fix to temporary files handling
- fix: Build errors related to multiple concurrent specifier instances (Build with this only didn't generate in some cases, etc)
- fix: GXflow: labels on charts fixed
- fix: Team Development: fixes to cache handling to solve commit issues related to theme classes
- fix: iOS: Fixes to App crash on Image Gallery's Share button
- fix: iOS: fixes to iOS 8 compatibility related to key color
- fix: iOS: fix to app crash when inserting in split mode
- fix: iOS: compilation error on sql command
- fix: SAC 37003: syntax error related to maxrows usage in Query Object
- fix: SAC 36959 - .net win compilation issue related to suggest and input type descriptions
- fix: IDE: fix related to validation of control info when importing attributes
- fix: Android: fix to memory usage when uploading image
- fix: Android: fix to app crash with slide navigation
- fix: Java win: SAC 36954 crash related to SWT and return command in work panel
- improvements: many improvements related to Windows Phone generator.
- fix: Web: http 403 error in transactions related to gxflow and others
- fix: SAC# 36964 - Automatic Refresh and Internet Explorer 7 error
- Web / smooth: SAC# 36578 - Error: HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed when exporting to excel
- iOS 8: compatibility fix related to keycolor
- iOS: crash related to network api
- iOS 8: compatibility fix related to location handling
- iOS 8: fixes related to deprecated iOS apis
- iOS: authentication failed when using ClientStart
- IDE: fix related to extensibility / saving objects in K2BTools
- Android: page position was not being preserved on MagazineViewer & PagedGrid
- Android: compatibilty fix for Android 5.0 (duplicate key issue related to sqlite)
- Web: fix to date serialization
- Ruby: SAC# 36926 fix to wsdl generation
- .NET: SQL command fixed
- IDE / team development: fix nullreference exception related to merge
- fix to textblocks with a colon in the caption
- fix : SAC# 35480 - related to timezone of Date fields in SDTs of REST services
- Web: fix related to rows property in transactions.
- GXflow api: fix to workitem.load method
- fix: SAC# 36927 GetEncryptionkey() could not be used in initial value property
Released: November 19th, 2014
- fix: Android: App crash when uploading an image
- fix: compilation issues in RPG and Cobol with multiple generators per environment
- fixes to gxflow entry point user control
- fix: Java: some exceptions didn't appear in browser with Web User Experience = Smooth
- fix: compilation issue in Objective-c
- crash fixes to .net win apps in windows 8
- fix: wsdl wasn't generated correctly in Ruby in some cases
- fix: offline: synchronization issues regarding images
- fix: web: addlines method didn't work in web user experience = smooth
- fix: convertion issue fixed (SAC 36838)
- fix to printing pdf reports from browser in Chrome
- fixes related to ios 8 deprecated apis
- fix: java: fixes regarding web components in modules
- fix: ios: fix related to beacons & permissions api
Released: November 5th, 2014