Official Content

The audio external object provides a powerful and versatile system for you to control audio stream on smart device applications.
It has three principal aims:

  • Allow end users to choose audio sources and define when and how to play them.
  • Create and manage play queues.
  • Customize the functionality of the player.

Warning: The methods and events provided by this External Object are fully available on the client-side of smart devices events for panels or WWSD objects and partially available on Web environments.

Audioexternalobject-Location_2018613112247_1_png image_2018613112150_1_png


It does not have any.


Play method

Plays the given audio with the specified category.

Return value  None
Parameters audio:Audio, category:AudioAPISessionType

Note: Supported for Smart Devices and Web environments.

PlayBackground method

Plays the given audio in the background, and keeps playing while the application is running in the background.  This method is considered canonical, being analogous to Play(&Audio,AudioAPISessionType.Background) with the ability to add a description when the audio is played.

Return value  None
Parameters audio:Audio [, description:Character(20) ]

Note: Supported for Smart Devices and Web environments.

Stop method

By default, it stops the audio playing in all categories, unless any session type is specified, in which case any audio being played in this category is stopped.

Return value  None
Parameters [ category:AudioAPISessionType ]

Note: Supported for Smart Devices and Web environments.

IsPlaying method

Returns whether there is audio playing in any session type or at a certain category when it is specified.

Return value  None
Parameters [ category:AudioAPISessionType ]

GetQueue method

Returns the current audio queue.

Return value  MediaQueue
Parameters None

GetQueueState method

Get the information about the state of the current audio queue (including the position in the queue and inside the current playing item, if any).

Return value  MediaQueueState
Parameters None

SetQueue method

Sets the current audio queue. Stops current background playback, if any.  Also, it preserves the playing status by looking for the current media item in the new queue; if it finds it, it updates the current position of that item in the queue; otherwise, it stops the queue and plays it from the beginning.

Return value  None
Parameters queue:MediaQueue

PlayQueue method

Starts or resumes playback of the current audio queue (previously set).

Return value  None
Parameters None

PauseQueue method

Pauses playback of the current audio queue.

Return value  None
Parameters None

SetPlayerSettings method

Allows the developer to set settings indicated in the AudioPlayerSettings.

Return value  None
Parameters settings:AudioPlayerSettings

SetQueueCurrentIndex method

Sets the current item played by its index in the current media queue. The current item playing can be obtained using the GetQueueState method.

Return value  None
Parameters index:Numeric(8.0)

Note: Behavior details:
- If the current item was modified, the player reflects the change.
- If the index does not exist in the current media queue, the call will be ignored.
- If a song in the queue is playing when the method is invoked, that song will be aborted. Then, the selected song (by its index in the queue) starts playing from the beginning - even if the item is the same that is currently playing.
- If you call the method with shuffle mode activated through SetPlayerSettings method, the index is that which belongs to the original queue (set by SetQueue method) and probably not follows the order expected (caused by the player mode).

SetQueueCurrentItem method

It has the same behavior as SetQueueCurrentIndex method, but It will set it by its MediaId instead of its index in the queue.  

Return value  None
Parameters mediaId:VarChar(40)

iOSSetShowsMiniPlayer method

With this method is possible to indicate if the default iOS player is showed (True) or not (False) at the bottom of the screen.
The player will be initialized with the first song paused.

Return value  None
Parameters show:Boolean

Note: Considerations:
- This method is iOS specific and it's necessary to set Navigation Style in Slide mode.
- This player is not the same that the mini-player.
- This default mini player (provided by iOS) can be customized by *.plist file located in the generated project adding these additional lines. 
>> Customize height:
   where numeric_value is an integer expressed in dips
>> Customize Color
        <key>GXAudioAPIMiniPlayerBackgroundColor </key>
   where hex_color is the hexadecimal representation for a color (e.g. #29b6f6)
In order to not overwrite It on every build, It can be added into MainName-Info.plist  file located in <gx_install_dir>/iOS/Templates/iOS_Genexus/ directory.

iOSDisplayFullScreenPlayer method

This method allows the developer to display the player in fullscreen mode.

Return value  None
Parameters None

iOSDismissFullScreenPlayer method

This method allows the developer to dismiss the player when It is in fullscreen mode (e.g. through a custom action on the player).

Return value  None
Parameters None


QueueStateChanged event

It is triggered when the current media item or the media state in playback changes.

Input queueState:MediaQueueState
Output  None

QueueItemFinished event

It is activated when the current media item has finished playing.

Input finishedInfo:MediaItemFinishedInfo
Output  None

CustomActionEvent event

It is called when the end user triggers a custom action with certain ActiontId (usually an event name) in the player with its associated MediaItem.

Input actionId:VarChar(40), currentItem:MediaItem
Output  None

Custom action usage example:

Event Audio.CustomActionEvent(&actionId, &currentMediaItem)
        do Case 
            case &actionId= !"someUserAction"
                // do something
            case &actionId= !"anotherAction"
                // do something else
                msg(!"Unknown event", nowait)


AudioAPISessionType domain

Possible streams of audio playback.

Background  Audio is activated even when you exit the application or lock your device (e.g. a music application).
Mix Audio is activated even if another audio is playing in the background (e.g. a notification sound when a new message arrived).
Solo Audio is activated, stopping any other audio and re-playing it once the audio playing in Solo mode is inactive (e.g. like a ringtone on an incoming call). 

Note: Solo + Mix modes mix, but Mix + Solo modes stop Mix mode.

MediaDuration domain

To manage time elapsed in milliseconds. It's represented by a Numeric(12.0).

MediaMetadataKey domain

It consists of a known key set for a certain media item. All of them are recognized automatically by the device.

Artist The artist name.
Album The album title.
Author The author name.
Writer The writer name.
Composer  The composer name.
Year The release year (number as a string).
Genre The genre name.
TrackNumber  The track's number on the album (number as a string).
NumberOfTracks   The number of the album's tracks (number as a string).
DiscNumber The disc number (number as a string).
AlbumArtist The album artist name.

Note: It is a good practice to incorporate this information into each media item.


Enumerated domain with possible media stream types.

None No information is provided
Buffered  It indicates that the streaming content will be buffered.
Live It indicates that the streaming content will be in real-time.

PlaybackState domain

Enumerated domain describing the possible playback states.

None The initial state of the play queue. 
Stopped The play queue is stopped, resetting the current track. This means that when the queue is played again, the last track starts from the beginning.
Paused The play queue is paused. When the queue is played again, the last track will be resumed, starting in the same position before it was paused.
Playing The play queue is playing the current track.
Error Indicates that an error occurred in the play queue
Transitional  Temporary states of the queue that are not any of those described above (like Buffering, Rewinding, Skipping, Fast-Forwarding, etc.)


Enumerated domain to indicate the reason why the current audio has finished. Its values are:

Unknown The reason that the media item has finished is not any of the other values listed below.
PlaybackCompleted  The current audio playing mode has completed or ended normally.
Stopped The current audio playing has stopped.
Skipped The current audio playing has skipped.
QueueReplaced The audio queue has changed and the current audio playing does not include that item.

Structured Data Types

To use this API, a set of data types is provided under SmartDevicesApi/Media folder.


It is an item from a playlist.

  • Id:VarChar(40)
    The media item identifier.
  • Uri:URL
    The media item URI (e.g. web URL). It can be provided by a URL Shortener (e.g. tiny, bitly or
  • ContentType:VarChar(100)
    The media item content type (e.g. 'audio/mpeg' for audio).
  • StreamType:MediaStreamType
    The media item stream type.
  • Title:VarChar(100)
    The media item title.
  • Subtitle:VarChar(100)
    The media item subtitle.
  • Description:VarChar(300)
    The media item description.
  • Image:Image
    The media item image (e.g. album cover).
  • Duration:MediaDuration
    The media item duration. Semantically 0 means 'infinite' or 'unknown'.
  • IsFavourite:Boolean
    Indicates if the media item has been marked as favourite (True) or not (False).
  • Metadata:Collection( Property )
    Defines key-value pairs to incorporate extra information for a MediaItem. 
    • Key:VarChar(50)
      The metadata key. A set of keys (automatically recognized by the device) is listed in MediaMetadataKey domain, but you can add your custom keys.
    • Value:VarChar(500)
      The metadata value as a string.

Note: The ContentType and StreamType fields are used to interact with Google Chromecast and there are only available on Android.
- ContentType is the MIME type for the Uri. Its value is mandatory (by default "audio/ mpeg ")
- StreamType can be used by the receiver app to make decisions based on its value..


It represents a play queue on the system.

  • Title:VarChar(100)
    The media queue title.
  • Items:Collection( MediaItems )
    The media queue items.


It provides information about the current state of the play queue. 

  • State:PlaybackState
    Indicates the playback state of the queue.
  • QueuePosition:Numeric(8.0)
    Indicates the queue position of the currently displayed media item (starting at 1).
  • TrackPosition:MediaDuration
    Milliseconds elapsed since the start of the media item currently displayed.
  • MediaId:VarChar(40)
    Identifier of the current item in the media queue.


It is an item from a playlist.

  • ItemId:VarChar(40)
    Idenfier of the media item.
  • QueuePosition:Numeric(8.0)
    Position of the media item in the queue.
  • TrackPosition:MediaDuration
    Milliseconds elapsed for the media item.
  • Reason:MediaFinishReason
    The reason why the media item finished.


Defines a custom action that will be added to player when it is in full-screen mode.

  • Id:VarChar(40)
    The custom action identifier (e.g. a custom event name).
  • Title:VarChar(200)
    The custom action title (displayed on the screen).
  • Image:Image
    The custom action image (e.g. an icon).

Note: Images are only supported on Android generator, images must be included in the KB (external images are not supported) and to watch them it is necessary to include a reference in the SDPanel/WWSD where the player is embedded..


Offers the option to enable three default modes or incorporate a set of custom actions for the player when it is in full-screen mode.
The default modes are:

Toggle Favourite  Allows the end user to select a song as a favorite or unfavorite. 
Consequently, this action triggers CustomActionEvent event, where EventName has value "GXFavouriteStatusChange" and the MediaItem is that which has changed its IsFavourite field.  
Toggles Repeat Allows the end user to play the same song again, play all the queue repetitively or simply not repeat it.
Toggles Shuffle Allows the end user to play the songs randomly or sequentially.
  • SupportsFavourite:Boolean
    Enables favorite icon on the player and the end user can mark his/her favorites media items.
  • SupportRepeat:Boolean
    Enables repeat mechanisms (with its icon image_2018613131859_1_png) on the player
  • SupportShuffle:Boolean
    Enables shuffle mechanism (with its icon image_2018613131851_1_png) on the player
  • CustomActions:Collection( AudioPlayerCustomAction )
    A collection of custom actions added to the player.

Note: To set a new configuration it is necessary to call SetPlayerSettings method (described below). This action will not take effect until the next time that the player is displayed in full-screen (if it is already shown in that mode when the method is called).


Smart Devices

Web specific

  • Use standard audio formats such as mp3 or wav files; support for other file extensions depends on the browser. 
  • Play, PlayBackground and Pause method are available for Web environment since GeneXus 15 Upgrade 6.


Platforms  Web(Java, .NET), Smart Devices (iOS, Android)


This external object is available as from GeneXus 15.

See also

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