Official Content

The Actions external object provides an API that encapsulates common actions to be executed programmatically.

Actionsexternalobject-Location_png Actions EO Image


It does not have any.


Login method

Use this action if you need to execute the standard batch login against the OAuth server. It returns the success of the operation.

Return value Boolean
Parameters User:Character(40), Password:Character(40)

LoginExternal method

This action executes the batch login against the OAuth server for an External login type. Additional parameters can be added.

Return value Boolean
Parameters Type:Character(4), User:Character(4), Password:Character(4) [, AddionalParameters:LoginExternalAddionalParameters]

Logout method

Use this action to execute the standard logout against the OAuth server.
If the object where the actions are performed requires authentication, the Login object configured on Login Object for SD property will be called.

Return value None
Parameters None

GoHome method

Resets the application to the main object.
Split navigation style does not apply, it will return to the first object who was called on the right pane whenever possible.

Return value None
Parameters None

ReturnTo method

Returns to the object specified in the parameter. If it is present more than once in the call stack, it will return to the most recent instance. The case does not apply when the object is not present on the left frame of the Split navigation style.

Return value None
Parameters None

Save method

This action executes the standard save operation in the current edit form. Check the following use case.

Return value None
Parameters None

Cancel method

This action returns to the object caller and quits the execution of the Composite Block. Check the following use case.

Return value None
Parameters None

Delete method

This action executes the standard delete operation in the edit form.

Return value None
Parameters None

TakeApplicationScreenshot method

Takes an application screenshot for further use like sharing, save in library, etc.

Return value Image
Parameters None


It does not have any.

Structure Data Types


This structure contains a set of additional information that the login request must send to the external program for validation.


  • The Return() and Refresh() methods in the previous version are substituted by Return command and Refresh command.
  • Since GeneXus 16 Upgrade 3, the behavior of the GoHome method has been changed for iOS. Now when executing the method it will cancel the actions still executing in the SDPanel. See SAC#45226.


Platforms SmartDevices(Android,iOS)1

1 - Make sure to use this API from user events, otherwise the following error will occur:

error spc0200: External Object GeneXus\SD\Actions does not implement method 'MethodName' for Android|iOS environment.

See also

Last update: December 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant