In this article, you will find examples of FileUpload command implementation in two different controls.
Web Panel with a FileUploadData variable called “FileUploadData”:
The variable view is the following:
To automated upload a file you have to use the commands FileUploadByName and ClickBy, in example:
//Start webdriver
// Initial navigation
//automated files upload
//...more files..
&driver.ClickByCSS("#FILEUPLOAD1Container > div > div.row.fileupload-buttonbar > div.col-lg-7 > button.btn.btn-primary.start > span")
* “files[]” is the name of “+Add files...” button
* The click command over is over the “Start upload” button to load the files
Web Panel with a Blob variable called “AttacheBlob”:
The variable view is:
To automated upload a file you have to use the command FileUploadByName. Optionally, you can verify the name upload file with the command Verify:
//Start webdriver
// Initial navigation
//automated file upload
//verify the name of the upload file