Sets the class to style the multimedia uploader's Clear button.
control. gx-multimedia-upload-clear-class
gx-multimedia-upload-clear-class: UploadClear;
Generators: .NET, .NET Framework, Java
Level: Design System Style Class
This property applies only at design time.
The following example shows a class called .ImageAttribute that styles the multimedia uploader's Clear button by referring to another class called .UploadClear. This reference is made through the gx-multimedia-upload-clear-class property.
gx-multimedia-upload-clear-class: UploadClear;
color: red;
This property is available since GeneXus 17 Upgrade 10.
HowTo: Configure Design System Class Properties
gx-multimedia-upload-class property
gx-multimedia-upload-empty-class property
gx-multimedia-upload-change-class property
DSO properties that begin with gx- and end with class