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Apendix I - XmlAbstract Structure

The format of the specificFormat parameter used by the GetQueryData method is the following, when using XmlAbstract value:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <SQLSentence>Select sentence here</SQLSentence>
  <Output Type="DinamicTable">
   <QueryElement Id="Internal_Name" Name="ElementDescription" CanTotalize="true\false">
     <Position>1 to n...</Position>
    <OrderInfo Type="Alphabetic\None">
   <!-- More Query Elements -->
   <Schema id='RowsetSchema'>
    <ElementType name='row' content='eltOnly' CommandTimeout='15'>
     <!-- Attribute type - String -->
     <AttributeType name='Internal_Name' number='1 to n...' nullable='true'>
      <datatype type='string' maxLength='30'/>
     <!-- Attribute type - Number -->
     <AttributeType name='Internal_Name' number='1 to n...' nullable='true'>
      <datatype type='number' dbtype='dbtype' maxLength='Number' precision='precision' fixedlength='true\false'/>
     <!-- More Attribute types -->
     <extends type='rowbase'/>
    <!-- Data Returned in attribute Internal_Name, for example -->
    <row D15='Attribute1' D18='Attribute2' D20='Attribute3' S1='Value1'/>
    <row D15='Attribute1' D18='Attribute2' D20='Attribute3' S1='Value2'/>

You can apply a transformation to the result obtained when using this option to obtain a specific format suitable to the application  Look & Feel. An example template is available for this: GXBI_AbsFormatToHTML.Xsl (located in the services installation directory). It allows transforming (only in GeneXus 9.0) the corresponding XML result into HTML. Download an example  here.

Apendix II - Error Codes

Code Description
-1 Invalid Session
-2 Operation is only valid for the supervisor
-3 You cannot assign the catalog
-4 You cannot create the catalog
-5 You cannot open the catalog
-6 User does not have rights over the metadata
-7 Invalid User
-8 Invalid product authorization
-9 Invalid paradigm
-10 Metadata does not exist
-11  You cannot open the metadata
-12 An error occurred on reading xml file
-13 Metadata is not loaded
-14 You cannot open a temporary metadata
-15 Metadata belongs to a previous product version. You cannot convert it to the current version
-16 Metadata belongs to a previous product version. Convert it before performing this operation
-17 Invalid temporary metadata
-18 Invalid operation for metadata paradigm
-19 You must open a metadata before performing this operation
-20 Invalid execution mode. Execution mode is likely to be Trial and Normal mode is required to perform the operation
-21  GXBIBusinessElement does not exist
-22 You have no right over the GXBIBusinssElement
-23 There is no restriction for the specified GXBIBusinessElement
-24 You have reached the maximum number of simultaneously open sessions allowed
-25 Error deleting file
-26 GXBIBusinessElement is a group and it should be individual
-27 GXBIBusinessElement type is invalid
-28 The query does not exist
-29 You have not right over the query
-30 GXBIFilter does not exist, GXBIFilter is not available or GXBIFilter is not related to GXBIBusinssElement
-31 Error creating Select
-32 User have no right to create the query
-33  Query was modified in an impact to the metadata
-34  User have over right over some of the GXBIBusinssElements used in the query
-35  Query is not completed
-36  Cached data do not exist
-37  The ini file corresponding to the query does not exist
-38  SQL statement stored for the query is empty
-39  SQL statement stored for the query differs from the recently calculated SQL statement
-40  An Error occurred on copying the file
-41  Some of the parameters required or participating in the query have no value 
-42 Parameter does not exist
-43  Parameter already exists
-44  There is already a parameter with the same name for the query
-45  An error occurred on reading the xml of the charts associated to the query
-46  There is no chart with this name
-47  If the output format is HtmlOWC the StaticTable destination is not supported
-48  XmlExcel output format is not supported yet
-49  Work query does not exist
-50  The ini file corresponding to the work query does not exist
-51 You cannot save the query because of one of the following options: it is locked, dates do not coincide or query is not updatable
-52 You cannot save the query because you have Lite product license
-53  Invalid metadata paradigm
-54  Extensible Entity already exists
-55  Extensible Entity does not exist
-56  User-defined attribute already exists
-57  Query cannot be empty
-58  There is no open metadata
-59  There is no value with the ID or description specified for the GXBIBusinessElement selected
-60  The parameter appears in more than one location in the query specification
-61  Invalid OWC Version
-62  Unexpected error ocurred while excecuting SQL Query
-63  Could not Open KB
-64  Feature not supported yet
-1000  Unspecified error occurred


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