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This section describes the initial configuration needed to run pipelines that use the synchronization and building capabilities of GeneXus and GeneXus Server.

Azure pipelines trigger jobs that are executed by agents, which are computing infrastructure with installed software that runs one job at a time. Agents are organized into pools, depending on their capabilities and installed software.

For GeneXus pipelines, you need to create an Agent pool with agents that include GeneXus and its installation requirements.

Creating an Agent pool

Creating and managing Agent pools requires an Administrator account. After logging into Azure DevOps, select your organization and click on “Organization settings” at the bottom of the page.


Next, in the Pipelines section, click on the “Agent pools” option. A list of the agent pools already created for this organization, if any, will be displayed on the right.


Click on the “Add pool” button.


In the pop-up window, do the following:

  1. Select the “Self-hosted” option.
  2. Fill in the name for your pool. Keep in mind that the pool name you choose will be used later in your pipeline scripts.
  3. Fill in the optional description.
  4. In “Pipeline permissions”, check both options by default.
  5. Click on “Create”.


The default options grant this agent pool access permission to all pipelines and auto-provision it for all projects, but you might want to adjust permissions in a more restrictive way.

Adding an Agent to the pool

Once your pool is created, you need to provide a machine on which GeneXus is installed as a pipeline executor; that is, register it as an agent in the GeneXus pool you created in the previous step.

GeneXus Installation

If GeneXus is already installed on your machine, you may proceed with the agent software installation. If you need to install it, you may check the hardware and software requirements, and the instructions on how to install and configure GeneXus.

Agent software installation

Click on the newly created agent pool, and click on “New Agent” in the top right corner.


You will then be presented with all the system options for the new agent. Select “Windows” and “x64”.


Download the agent to the machine you will use for that and follow the instructions to complete the setup. You can verify that your agent has been successfully configured if it is displayed in the “Agents” tab on your newly created agent pool.


Creating a project for KB synchronization

First, create a new project from the Azure DevOps console homepage. Once within the project, access the “Pipelines” tab, and select “Create Pipeline”. An SCM service will be required.

For the purpose of this example, a GitHub repository is used; however, you may choose to use a different one. If you have already connected your GitHub account, you can select one of your existing repositories.

Clone the next repository as a template for the pipeline script. Next, select GitHub and select the cloned repository. After that, select the existing Azure Pipelines YAML file and fill the Path with "ContinuousBuildKb.yml".


Once your pipeline has been imported, you need to specify every defined variable to accommodate your environment.

Last update: April 2024 | © GeneXus. All rights reserved. GeneXus Powered by Globant