Returns a DateTime data type value representing the date and time in the parameter string.
CtoT(mm/dd/yyyy HH [ :MM [ :SS[.lll ] ] ] [ AM | PM ] )
The first part of the parameter string represents the date.
A fixed format can be set by the Date format in CTOD function property.
HH [ :MM [ :SS[.lll ] ] ] [ AM | PM ]
The second part of the parameter string represents the time (which can be up to 12 characters long).
- HH - hour
- MM - minutes
- SS - seconds
- lll - milliseconds
If AM | PM is specified, HH value range is 0-12; otherwise, the value range is 0-23. Suffix AM | PM is not case sensitive.
The first part of the parameter string represents the date and the second part represents the time.
Type returned:
Procedure, Transaction, Web Panel, Panel, Data Provider
Generators: .NET, .NET Framework, Java, Apple, Android,
- The date and time parts of the parameter string must be separated by at least one blank space.
- If one part of the string (date and time) is omitted it is assumed null.
- If any part of the string is not valid, the resulting DateTime value is null.
- If neither AM nor PM is specified, the 24-hour format is assumed.
> {00:00:00AM} is equivalent to {12:00:00AM}, Midnight.
> {00:00:00PM} is equivalent to {12:00:00PM}, Noon.
> {00:00:00} to {11:59:59} is equivalent to {12:00:00AM} to {11:59:59AM}
> {12:00:00} to {23:59:59} is equivalent to {12:00:00PM} to {11:59:59PM}
- 24:00:00 is not a valid time.
- The year value in the string parameter is adjusted according to the First year of 20th century property if the year is specified with two digits.
24-hour format
&varDateTime = CtoT("25/06/2015 22:45")
12-hour format
&varDateTime = CtoT("25/06/15 10:45 PM")
Operations with milliseconds
&DT = CtoT('09/09/1999 14:35:30.450')
&STR = TtoC(&DT,10,8) //==> 09/09/1999 02:35:30 PM
&STR = TtoC(&DT,10,12) // ==> 09/09/1999 02:35:30.450 PM
TtoC function