Allows or denies the encryption of the parameters sent to a URL, and establishes security levels when parameter encryption is used in Web Objects.
No | Indicates that the parameters in the Web objects URL will not be encrypted. This is the default value. |
Session key | Indicates that the parameters in the URL will be encrypted using a different key for each session. The encryption is made using local cookies. This value offers a higher level of security, but it does not allow shared URLs. This means that user X cannot send a URL with parameters to user Y because, in this case, the URL will not work given that the corresponding cookie is required for decryption. |
Site key | Parameters in the Web objects URL are encrypted, but the encryption key will be the same for the whole site. In this case, cookies are not used. This implies a lower level of security, but simplifies link transfers. |
Use Environment property value | The property value is obtained from the Environment property with the same name. |
Objects: Procedure, Transaction, Web Panel
Generators: .NET, Java
It is recommended to read Protecting sensitive data used on the client side.
- The encryption key for encrypting the URL parameters can be specified using the application.key file (see SAC #29369). In the case of NET see SAC #29874 — more information in Application Encryption Key property.
- When using GXflow, all applications associated with a Task must have the Encrypt URL Parameters property set to 'Use Environment property value'.
To apply the corresponding changes when the property value is configured, execute a Rebuild All.
GetEncryptionKey function